Buddy, the search dog

One of three canine search-and-rescue teams trained to look for bodies left by Hurricane Katrina plans to leave New Orleans after just a few days on the job, because there won’t be a hotel room to stay in, the men said Wednesday.

On Sunday, their search dogs led firefighters to a man’s body in the attic of a house in the flood-swept Lakeview neighborhood. It was the first such discovery in five days of a new hunt for victims.

Under the contract that brought them to Louisiana, the search teams also were to have access to a veterinarian in case their dogs were injured. That promise hasn’t been kept, either, Carter and Guay told CNN.

It’s a risky task. One of the dogs was hurt, last trip, and required emergency surgery.

Carter and Guay said that Tuesday night, a FEMA representative greeted them at the hotel with a disclosure form asking them to identify themselves as long-term evacuees needing financial assistance; the men said they refused.

The bureaucrats can only figure out one piece of paper at a time.

City Council President Oliver Thomas said Wednesday night of the housing snafu. “It’s unbelievable.” “It’s not that many dogs, it’s not that many people,” he said. “It’s not that much money.”

Unless more bodies are found, he said, some families “will never see any closure from this” disaster, Thomas said.

  1. Joe says:

    I bet if the men offered to pay for the room they wouldn’t have had a problem. I wouldn’t be surprised if New Orleans had it’s own ticket on the stock exchange after a while. People have a price and you can help control it! Invest in New Orleans today!

  2. Alex says:

    Why are you so unpatriotic as to show the failings of our administration? Don’t you know that by criticizing the government you help the terrorists win? Besides, I am sure this is somehow the fault of the Democrats.

  3. Dave says:

    They can stay with me…

  4. Joe says:

    I didn’t actually blame Republicans or Democrats for the troubles after Katrina, and I show the failings of the administration because the successes mainly come from the people and organizations outside of it. The inside is too busy on what kind of new little world they can rebuild in New Orleans and us observers are looking at this and saying “wait a second, you’re trying to lay down new carpet and there’s still stuff on the floor.” After Katrina (including the rescue missions and water draining that followed), FEMA and the government raced in to New Orleans almost as hard and as fast as the hurricane herself, not spending time learning from their mistakes, but trying to look like as much of a good guy as they could so they could show the world how they could make up for the mistakes they already made. And with all the shady dealings and corruption and flat-out stupidity surrounding Katrina and the way it’s been handled already, all this looks like is a cat and mouse game the administration is playing. FEMA does something stupid, what’s the quickest and easiest way we can do something good that may counteract that in the media’s eyes? And vice versa. And this goes on and on and will continue to go on and on until the powers that be quit asking “what’s the quickest and easiest way to handle this” and start saying “what’s the smartest and safest.”

  5. Alex says:

    Joe, I was being sarcastic and I was referring to the post by Eideard not your comment.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hey Dave, got a hot tub? Queen size bed? Pina Coladas for breakfast?


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