Check out these amazing drawings.

  1. Paul says:

    Seen a load of these before, this guy is an amazing artist. His use of perspective is the best I’ve ever seen.

  2. GregAllen says:

    Does he make a living doing that? Who pays him?

  3. framitz says:

    Absolutely amazing and wonderful!

  4. Kevin says:

    I’ve seen lots of them too. I’m pretty sure he does this all throughout europe, but mostly in Great Britain? I think he does it for a living, companies pay him to do them. He has an incredible Coke bottle ad, and I’ve seen other ads including the top “Rembrandt” one. I think it takes him a couple of days to do each one. Genius.

  5. Chris says:

    I wonder if he has permission to draw on the ground and if he ever gets in any trouble for it, i hope not!

  6. Rick says:

    I wonder how bad these look from the “wrong” perspective…I see a couple there (look at the hot-tub woman’s foot from reverse angle!) and they look terrible…I wonder if anyone cares that, from most perspectives, this stuff is horrible…not to diminish how amazing it is from the right spot…just that, as this is public “drop” art, maybe there is a down side to something that is mostly not functional…

  7. david says:

    Reality I believe is just like this. Reality is 2-dimensional, but our sense of time distorts it into 3 dimensions. Without time the Universe becomes flat. I’m still working this theory out in my head. I’ve been thinking about it for a week.

  8. andrews says:

    Interesting… thanks for the link!

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Fantastic work !!!

  10. Mozart says:

    wow! so realistic!

  11. I saw those when I was in Europe a couple of years ago and they were amazing!

  12. ray says:

    There is also this fellow


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