Here’s some goofball in Germany with the new Origami.
Origami Revealed
By John C Dvorak Thursday March 9, 2006
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John, good photo. You really are a handsome devil. Watch out for those German girls…
Take down that picture quick, or you’ll scare the kids! ๐
As someone who has actually touched it, what’s your no BS assesment in 20 words or less?
Gotta say: from a thousand miles away it looks to be a bit of a useless device that will struggle to find its niche.
Ok…but, what did you think?
I have a sony u50, so I think im going to get one of these, the big thing about the u50 is Mobility! esp on airplanes! no big bulky thing to carry about, and I dont feel so dorky caring that around then say some “laptop”..
Something with more than 256mb of ram would be nice, and no external dongals for bluetooth!
without a phone – it’s a piece of overloaded, overhyped, portable crap….
just a thought
Chris Vaughn
John, … Why are you pimping f/ Microsoft? … You know it will be obsolete in 12 months and sitting on a landfill in 15 months! …
At this size, this price point, this (lack of) battery life, I agree that this is a piece of crap waiting to be dumped by every manufacturer who initially signs on.
Brick or Frisbee?
I don’t know… Looks so plain… and ugly… and no style at all…
Well, at least the device looks nice…
JL..har! Hey..My analysis will be final on the Marketwatch column..I’ll expand later with more insight.
What happens when you put the new POS 9000 in the microwave? We need some hard lab data. Any volunteers? John?
I have a PalmOne Liferive. What does this clunky thing do that my LifeDrive doesn’t? The Life Drive has a 4GB hard drive and takes 2GB SD cards. I loaded a Premium Pocket Tunes MP3 player and I use Etymotic Sound Isolating Ear Phones. The LifeDrive plays games, DVD’s etc. It has WiFi and Bluetooth. It stores photos. I keep all my office documents on it. I admit it doesn’t have an 80GB hard drive, but is very portable and runs the Palm OS (soon, sadly, to run Windows…). If the point of Microsoft is convergence, there are other devices that have been out awhile that do the same thing and don’t look so clunky. This looks like another Microsoft clunker to me.
I hear that Model holding the Origami will soon be modeling Hanes Underwear…
Is that one of those German booth bimbos I’ve heard about?
Nice Etch-A-Sketch but a bit pricey as a paperweight for dweebs.
You still have a lot more hair than I do. Not fair.
So, was it one of the booth babes taking the photo, John?
“Brick or Frisbee?”
If it were around 1.5 centimeters thick, worked 4-6 hrs on a charge, and had a bluetooth phone, games, internet browser, and cost less than $500… I might buy one when it’s time to replace my phone.
But from what I see it looks as thick as a laptop, no phone and I’ll bet that the price will be set at around $1K. No way it could sell then… unless Steve Jobs put an Apple logo on it ๐
Thats a photoshopped Newton! (just kidding)
Opinion please?
OK..I liked it a lot./ But it’s too expensive. Great UI.
Umm … how exactly is it portable? All the Microsoft hype is having it replace/supplement a bunch of portable devices … but unless you can pocket it how do you carry it around every day … As everyone else’s been saying – too big, and too expensive – if I want a mini computer I’ll buy a small laptop (which actually has a keyboard and optical drive) – Micheal J. Miller has a good column on its uses (or lack of) at
I just found out that the Origami can also clean floors like a Roomba and that it slices and dices hundreds of Juliene Fries!
John, I can’t tell by the flash but is that a mugshot plate your holding?
Uhm… Newton anyone?
p.s. — I really like your haircut. Seems like the shift away from Supercuts was a good strategy ๐
Um–where’s the (mandatory) keyboard? I didn’t buy a Palm or the MS equivalent because I love my keyboard.
Unreal! “Boner” would be an appropriate descriptor here! Can’t believe Intel did that to MSFT. Machine looks to be about the size of Motion Computing’s small tablet.
This has nothing to do with this post, but I saw this online and I had to repost it!
Drunk Driving on the Internet
An article by John Dvorak in the April 1994 issue of PC Computing magazine described a bill going through Congress that would make it illegal to use the internet while drunk, or to discuss sexual matters over a public network. The bill was supposedly numbered 040194 (i.e. 04/01/94), and the contact person was listed as Lirpa Sloof (April Fools backwards). The article said that the FBI was going to use the bill to tap the phone line of anyone who “uses or abuses alcohol” while accessing the internet. Passage of the bill was felt to be certain because “Who wants to come out and support drunkenness and computer sex?” The article offered this explanation for the origin of the bill: “The moniker ‘Information Highway’ itself seems to be responsible for SB 040194… I know how silly this sounds, but Congress apparently thinks being drunk on a highway is bad no matter what kind of highway it is.” The article generated so many outraged phone calls to Congress that Senator Edward Kennedy’s office had to release an official denial of the rumor that he was a sponsor of the bill.
Did you really do that? It was not very funny at first, but then I saw your name and I started laughing.
PS: John, you are very handsome! (Go CrankyGeeks!)
I figure this is the way computing is going, to a future where we all have something like that star trek “PADD” thing they had in the nesxt generation series, which accessed what seems liked anyting they wanted, *cough* internet, and looking at smart-phones, PDAs, and now these UMPCs, and I don’t like that acronym by the way, we’re getting there, slowly.