The illegal alien population in the United States is between 11.5 million and 12 million…The study by the Pew Hispanic Center also found that “unauthorized migrants” comprise 24 percent of the labor force in farming, 17 percent in cleaning, 14 percent in construction and 12 percent in food preparation.

“The picture we have of this population is that, in spite of efforts to control unauthorized migration, the numbers have continued to grow, the rate of growth appears to be continuing at about the same level, we appear to be adding about half a million a year,” Mr. Passel said.

The report said that between 2000 and 2005, 1.5 million Mexicans entered the United States illegally. Mexicans account for 56 percent of the illegal alien population, and other Latin American countries account for 22 percent.

Of course, the percentages vary from state-to-state. I live in a border state and easily 90% of all construction workers are illegal migrants. There are whole trades where virtually the entire workforce is illegal.

  1. John says:

    When we are considering whether immigration (legal or not)
    is a good thing, we need to be aware that the POPULATION
    of the planet has DOUBLED since 1973. In view of this fact
    I don’t think that any analogies or comparisons with history are
    relevant. We must deal with a completly different world. I would like
    also to point out that EVERY nation that has a very high birthrate
    has profound endemic poverty as a result.
    This is not a time to try to live in some pseudo-intellectual ivory
    tower. We need strong borders.


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