LangaList Std Edition 2004-04-19 I was alerted to this problem by the Zazona emailing. This sort of thing is a plague across the net with numerous vendors doing a oiss-poor job of filtering then ending up as two-bit censors. It cold end up saving the small ISP or email provider such as the one I use at

Sanchez at Zazona hints that an offshoring company that might be running some of these anti-spam systems may actually be on the lookout for ant-offshoring screeds then block the sender. Meanwhile Fred Langa is also concerned about some of these new practices since his newsletter is getting blocked too.

AOL’s mail system is just this side of insane. Not only does it read inside member emails for links that AOL doesn’t like, but— as we’ve reported before— if AOL members get a little lazy and block a newsletter like this one, instead of unsubscribing, AOL keeps track of the blocks. Last time I looked, if as few as 10 readers took the lazy way out of stopping a mailing, AOL would assume that the mail in question was spam. In my case, if just 10 AOL users out of 160,000 readers— that’s 0.00006 of my readers— took the lazy way off the list, all AOL subscribers would have their legitimate issues blocked for some time thereafter.

  1. Brian says:

    Umm…That article is 2 years old. Is AOL still doing htis? Is the problem worse now? Let’s link to something a tad more current, I’m sure there are many, up-to-date reasons to hate AOL .

  2. Awake says:

    Why does anyone use AOL anymore? What’s the point?

  3. framitz says:

    AOL’s practice seems to be criminal. I wish AOL would just go away.

  4. joshua says:

    AOL is still used by so many because thats all they know, and it has all the bells and whistles.
    People I meet will say….I’m on AOL, like it’s something to be proud of. I usually just swear a lot and move on.
    I just want, good, fast and easy internet access. Also cheap. I want to be able to move around the net easily, and my way, not some ISP’s way and I don’t like being tracked everywhere I go.

  5. AB CD says:

    AOL has built-in virus protection.

  6. Milo says:

    AOL is a virus.

  7. DC BA says:

    “AOL has built-in virus protection”

    Hahahaha. Did you seriously just use that phrase to defend this practice? Whoo boy, please stay off the internet and retreat back to the loving embrace of AOhell. I’m sure they miss you.


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