Student tests evolution of Flying Spaghetti Monster

Utah state representatives have rejected legislation that would have regulated how the theory of evolution is taught in public schools. House members said they were unwilling to single out the theory of evolution and interfere with the Utah Board of Education’s responsibility to set curriculum.

[House Majority Whip – Steve] Urquhart told the Deseret Morning News he believes the issue is best left in the realm of science and it should be removed from the political arena. “We should leave this up to the State Office of Education,” he said. “They’ve been tasked to do this, not us.”

Utah public school students are currently taught biological diversity is a result of evolutionary processes.

  1. Christoffer Möller says:

    Being a citizen of Sweden and Europe I find it beyond my imagination that anyone in there right mind could even consider teaching biological diversity in a Religius perspective. It just doesn’t make sense to me. School is about learning skills that you can apply later in life in your work. And I tought History was stupid.

    This thing realy shows the difference between the US and Europe. And I don’t sugest one of them is better, just that there are a difference.

  2. Me says:

    Sanity has to win out at least once in a while.

  3. joshua says:

    Christopher…..we don’t (at least not openly) sift our students to say who should get an academic education and who should get a technical one in high school like much of Europe does. In fact the U.K. is debating right now about lowering the age that the skills assessment is done to 11. I don’t know about you, but at 11, I still wanted to be an astronaut or a fireman. I think it’s a bit premature to start making 11 y/o’s decide what they will do with their lives.
    Science, math, and history are all very important things for a person to know. Those who don’t understand History are doomed to repeat it. And those who don’t understand Science will believe things like Intelligent Design.

  4. joshua says:

    Christopher…..we don’t (at least not openly) sift our students to say who should get an academic education and who should get a technical one in high school like much of Europe does. In fact the U.K. is debating right now about lowering the age that the skills assessment is done to 11. I don’t know about you, but at 11, I still wanted to be an astronaut or a fireman. I think it’s a bit premature to start making 11 y/o’s decide what they will do with their lives.
    Science, math, and history are all very important things for a person to know. Those who don’t understand History are doomed to repeat it. And those who don’t understand Science will believe things like Intelligent Design. For this to happen in Utah is really something…..Utah is one of the most conservative states in this country.


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