
Condoleezza Rice’s anti-Russian stance based on sexual problems – Pravda.Ru — Apparently the Russians think that Condi either needs to get laid or, uh, whatever.

The US Secretary of State released a coarse anti-Russian statement. This is because she is a single woman who has no children

Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, openly criticized the Russian government in connection with the gas conflict with Ukraine. Ms. Rice used quite a trivial technique of psychological pressure, which is mostly practiced in the field of education.

According to Condoleezza Rice, Russia’s actions towards Ukraine did not characterize it as a respectable member of the Group of Eight. The statement from the high-ranking US official sounded like a reprimand from a strict babysitter that was teaching its baby to behave.

It goes without saying that the largest Eurasian power is not a baby. In addition, the geopolitical system in the world has undergone dramatic changes since the 1990s. The US Secretary of State, however, has seemingly lost the sense of time and reality.

  1. William Wise says:

    Pravda is no longer an official Russian news agency. They are now the equivalent of a U.S. tabloid rag. The TASS news agency is the main source of “real” news in Russia.


  2. david says:

    Rice went on to say:

    “When you say you want to be a part of the international economy and you want to be a responsible actor in the international economy, then you play by its rules.”

    That’s right, Condoleezza, everybody plays by the rules except the United States like pre-emptive attacks on sovereign nations with no justification (or ones built on deliberate lies), refusal to adopt the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emissions, breaking international laws regarding prisoners of war established in the Geneva Convention, harboring terrorism by acting in the same way as terrorists (follow our idealogy, however flawed, or you will die), etc, et-fucking-c.

    As far as Rice treating them like kids, no one knows what it is like to have children UNLESS they have children. John, you’ve got kids?

  3. estacado says:

    Very amusing and funny article. Though it is politically incorrect, somehow, a part of me agrees with it. She needs to get laid. But one of the funnier lines from the article:
    “Condoleezza Rice needs a company of soldiers. She needs to be taken to barracks where she would be satisfied. On the other hand, she can hardly be satisfied because of her age.”
    After reading that, my mind pictured her getting gang-banged by a group of soldiers. And the soldiers include Linndie England and Charles Graner Jr. But if you give her a whip, she’ll own every one of those soldiers. Hmmm… funny how my mind works.

  4. steve says:

    In the fix I am in, I’ll make her a little more mellow 🙂

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well Duh!

    She’s got to behave that way because most if not all of her subordinates are a bunch of middleaged, pasty, white men who think they can do a better job than her just because they’re middleaged, pasty, white men.

    Either she’s a total bitch or they’ll step on her.

  6. meetsy says:

    No. If she were competent and secure she could be diplomatic and not be a bitch. The first rule of playing with the boys is to not act like a PMSing woman. Please! Women don’t need to act like small men, they need to act like women to be in control. fyi

  7. James Hill says:

    Much better, liberals. It only took four posts in this thread for a crackpot to come out.

  8. moss says:

    Hmm. Since James’ vocabulary isn’t extensive enough for adult discussion, I guess we need a neologism for his efforts.

    How about — since he characterizes anyone he doesn’t understand as a “crackpot” — we just call him a “potcrack”? It fits his contrarian bent.

  9. david says:

    there was a picture a few months back that I saw in the media where Rice was wearing really long leather boots almost up to her knees with a dress. She looked kinda sexy. But as far as political women, I would “do” them in the following order:

    Laura Bush
    Evita (she looked good the last time they exhumed her)
    Condoleeza Rice (with her boots on)
    Hillary Clinton (just kidding– NO WAY)

  10. joshua says:

    and we wonder why she has to be tough sounding? All but 2 or 3 of the comments were about if they would lay her or something of that order.
    The article is of course about sex….lol……but we sure don’t have many guys in here that respect what a woman accomplishes on her own, without quotas, set asides, and all the other props so many need to get ahead.
    I agree with David B…..she is the smartest person in the White House, and possibly the Bush goverment.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    Of the first 13 posts, there were a total of four posts referring to sex. All were commenting on a post concerning sex. Only two referred to having sex with her. One of those was quoting from Pravda.


    Personally I find it quite distasteful when ANYONE needs to demean another in order to make him or her feel more important. I might like her politics, but that has nothing to do with her being a woman. Or being single. The suggestion that someone isn’t “just quite right” because they “need it bad” only shows the intelligence of the speaker / writer.

    My own thought about this is that someone at Pravda is feeling very frustrated since his wife left after the last beating. That, plus, all those blisters on his right hand from watching Miss Rice are cramping his style.


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