Evolution a theory, father says

Longtime Las Vegan Steve Brown does not oppose the teaching of evolutionary theory in the public schools. Nor does he support teaching alternative views such as intelligent design or creationism.

But Brown, a masonry contractor who has lived in Las Vegas for more than 30 years, does want the schools to teach the theory of evolution in what he calls the right way, which means acknowledging that much of the theory is just that — theory.

To get the attention of public schoolteachers, textbook writers and adherents of Darwinian theory, Brown has filed the Truth in Science initiative petition with the secretary of state’s office to amend the constitution to require a broader approach to teaching evolution in public schools. Brown must collect 83,184 signatures by June 20 to get the proposal on the November ballot.

“Does intelligent design have some validity?” he said. “Sure. But it’s not going to be taught in the classroom. Until the folks promoting intelligent design get more evidence, they are not going to win.”

Brown said his proposal and intelligent design are two separate issues.

“You have to tell the truth about evolution,” he said.

  1. Alex says:

    Joshua, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings by revealing the truth too harshly but it is not right to turn your anger at being wrong towards me. It is not my fault if you have been fooled by superstition. Instead of insulting me, you should try to come up with a cogent argument. Again, please remember that saying some mysterious agent “did it” simply doesn’t wash. I may be arrogant and obnoxious, but I rely on facts and reality. If a better theory to explain the origin of species arises, I’ll be happy to examine it. You cannot ignore the facts and say that god did it, that isn’t science, its religion. All I want is for science to be taught in science class. Keep religion in church where it belongs. Come up with a valid scientific argument or keep your uninformed opinion to yourself.

  2. Johnny Cox says:

    Macro-Evolution is a religious theory preached by secular humanist. Only science should be taught in science class. It is obvious that most of these post are by people who don’t understand evolution (and don’t understand there is ZERO evidence for it) or are just anti anything that may suspose that their is a God and thus consequences.

    Secular Humanism = The New Fundementalism

  3. Josh says:

    Who makes the disission of what opinions are informed and uninformed untill they are made. You have to let people make them then you judge them. You then say that person is an idot who has no clue or they have some good points and at least knows something. Scinetific discovery has been fuled by people who at the time were viewed as uninformed idiots. We all know that the Earth is not the center of the universe. But when Galliao first said it he was ridiculed. Later after his death the evidance became overwelming to support his position.

  4. Alex says:

    So what should be taught in science class if not science? Would we be arguing about teaching basket weaving in Math class? There is a place for religion, your home and your church. Why is it so hard to understand that science and only science should be taught in science class?

    The reason why evolution and science are not fundamentalism is because they rely on observable facts that can be tested not fantasy, legend, superstition or fairy tales. You do have to have a minimum understanding of science to understand how and why evolution has been proven, just like gravitation, magnetism and relativity theories have.

    If you want to teach alternatives to evolution in science class, they have to be based in science and the scientific method. If you can do that to the satisfaction of actual scientists, you can teach whatever alternatives you can come up with. Until such a time, please keep your fantasies, legends and superstitions to yourself and don’t inflict them on innocent children.

  5. Alex says:

    Galileo was ridiculed and jailed by religious people and the church not by scientists. Go read a book aside from the bible and become informed, then you can avoid embarassing yourself in public.

    When someone makes a point that is worth considering, I’ll entertain it. But you have to back it up with facts.

  6. Milo says:

    Jonny Cox: There is massive evidence for evolution both macro and micro, a quick google can show you that.


    And Josh the evidence was overwhelming when Galileo was alive.

  7. site admin says:

    Wayne, You think? 🙂


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