To students at Eagleswood Elementary School, she used to be Mr. McBeth.

Now, after undergoing a sex change, 71-year-old Lily McBeth is ready to return to teaching as Miss McBeth. Despite criticism from parents, the school board on Monday stood by its decision to allow McBeth to resume working as a substitute teacher.

After two hours of public debate and a private meeting with McBeth and her lawyer, the board took no action on calls by several parents to bar McBeth from returning to the school where she taught for five years before becoming a woman.

Several people spoke in support of McBeth, including three transgender people, two former students of McBeth’s and a handful of others, saying that the fact that she is a good teacher was more important than whether she appears as a man or a woman in class.

She looks like my 2nd grade teacher.

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Life imitates art again looks like South Parks Mr Garrison to me.

  2. Mike says:

    One thing I’ve always wanted to know, but not enough to actually spend time looking for the pics — how close to the real thing does it look like after the surgery?

  3. Kevin says:

    The pervert probably figured out he has a better chance of sex with students as a woman. Creepy!

  4. It’d be interesting if there were any true choice out there, how many parents would use such a school….

  5. Chris Swett says:

    I should know better than to read stories like this while listening to the Onion Radio News…

  6. Todd says:

    Why do you think she is a pervert Kevin?

  7. Joe says:

    KUDOS to Eagleswood Elementary!! Transsexual bias is unfortunately deemed “ok” by so many people, even some who consider racism, sexism and homophobia to be wrong. It will probably be the last “acceptable” prejudice, but this story at least gives a little hope.

  8. Mike says:

    What’s wrong with racism? I fully accept that some races are genetically superior at certain activies than other races (i.e. certain athletic activities).

    Off topic, I know, but it really annoys me that the word “racism” is so often misused from it’s proper meaning. And because somebody is prejudiced does not mean they are necessarily racist.

  9. J. Cottrell says:

    Dan, have you ever had to reign in 20+ 1st graders day in and day out? This is not the job of a “normal” person… We all have our strengths and weeknesses. While I am a very laid back and stable person, there is no way I could mentally survive the challenge of teaching young children. So long as an individual can keep issues of their personal life (i.e. emotionally unstable) outside the classroom, I see no problem with someone with the gift of teaching being allowed to teach.

  10. Sounds The Alarm says:

    71? He had a sex change at 71?

    Isn’t that a little late?

  11. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Hey Mike – Der Furher salutes you!

  12. Mike says:

    Sounds The Alarm, thanks for the idiotic comment.

    Racism is the belief that one race is genetically superior to another. So the simple belief that one race can be genetically predisposed to be better athletes or classical musicians (or whatever) than another, is a racist belief.

    BTW, when’s the last time a white or asian guy won the 100 meter dash at the olympics (hint: it’s been a quarter century)?

    Racism is not a synonym for prejudice, although they are oftentimes related.

  13. James Hill says:

    Transsexual bias is unfortunately deemed “ok” by so many people

    While I agree that this bias shouldn’t be OK, it should be OK for parents to have their children removed from his/her class… or for that matter the school… and have them put into another public school.

    The fact that this is a public school means it is the public’s decision, right or wrong, on what environment the school promotes (as long as it is within the law). If the majority of parents’ wishes are being ignored then they should have the right to take action.

    Personally, if my child was in Lady McBeth’s class, I’d carefully gauge their reaction to his/her choice and have my child reassigned if I felt that reaction was negative.

  14. Mike says:

    I think it’s less a matter of it being the public’s decision than it is the idea that the government shouldn’t be discriminating.

    Private schools, on the other hand, are a completely different matter.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:


    How many world class black hockey players are there? How many world class black ski jumpers are there. How many world class black butterfly swimmers are there.

    So yes, you are correct. It is very possible to be prejudiced and still make racist remarks unwittingly.

    And to be honest, here is a definition I like. Note, no genetics.

    rac·ism n.
    1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
    2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:


    You are quite correct about the public’s choice, as long as it is within the law. Sex discrimination is illegal. Would you also agree it is acceptable to remove children if there teacher has a hair lip, or MS, or is Muslim? Is it OK to teach intolerance is acceptable behavior.

  17. Mike says:

    Haha, you’ve got to get kidding, right?

    The physical differences between all of us are genetic in nature.

  18. Sounds The Alarm says:

    No prob Mike – I call them like I see them.

    Hey do you have the latest Prussian Blue CD?

  19. Lachlan says:

    Sure, 71 sounds old but it is a long process to actually change gender. One doesn’t just head into a clinic and return with the switcheroo complete. There are many decisions to be made along the way, counselling, this all takes time (as it should). I don’t think age should be considered as a motive.

  20. The Aussie says:

    I’d say the guy suffered the unkindest cut of all …

  21. No wonder some kids are screwed up!
    People like that should not be near children.
    Damm if she was in my class we would have had a spit balled party.

    The hormones make IT look younger than 71

  22. MIKE Q.#2
    it looks very similar much the same hard to be able to tell the difference that is until its time put the car in the garage and the door is shut.

  23. I don’t think its about being predjudice at trannies Instead overal non acceptance or intolorence of sexual deviant or outcast.s
    This includes Child molestor, Hookers, hobo’s, Drug Addicts, Alcoholics and so on.

    A tranny is a behavior, a life style.
    Lets face it a trany makes a bold statement.

    Some people have high standards they strive for and feel that deviants values are much different and thier practices hinder thier quality of life.
    Similar to the bum that rifles thru my garbage every day.

    People flat out know what a tranny is and just don’t accept thier way of life or behavior.

    Predjudice “Pre Judge”is judging a person before you get to know thier behavior or life style.

    Personally I don’t care what they do. I don’t think they should be exposed to children as a mentor any more than any other social deviant. it just confusses the heck out of them.

  24. Richard says:

    Hey Uncle Lilly. Hows it hanging?

  25. Jeff says:

    At some point it just seems that you have people with serious problems. Odd that the contemporary solution is to change their sex. Seems the better solution might be to attempt to change their brains via medication, so that the thought process matches their actual sex. Other forms of mental disorder are treated by medication.

    However, I do understand that there is nothing illegal about a person choosing how they wish to dress, and what medical treatments they wish to have. But does this mean that public and private institutions MUST accommodate them?
    No. This should not be.

  26. Mike says:

    Sounds the Alarm,
    That you knew what that was and I didn’t until I googled it just now says a lot I would think.

    grow up.

  27. Jeff Good Points.
    Well it would be nice to swap out brains 🙂
    In many cases it may not be a mental disorder it could be behavioral, emotional, or physical.

    The bottom line is
    Treatment dosn’t usually work!
    Male hormones don’t make them any more of a man than they are. And Antipsychotic drugs only passify them.

    They have a strong feeling for this behavior. The feelings are just as powerful as what a Normal boy feels when picks up playboy for the first time.

    Damm can you imagine a shrink telling a boy that reading playboy for the first time is wrong.
    Its crazy,
    I guess Lilly wanted to remover her wang as much as a normal person would want to remove a tumor.

    Nothing like a wang! Thank you god!

  28. moss says:

    Somehow, Richard, I’m not surprised to find your prejudices about man assuaged by your belief in god. Probably the most acceptable excuse for bigotry going back to our StoneAge days.

    Since there hasn’t been much use for the religion gene since we got past scaring each other with ghostie and ghoulie tales around the defense fire at the cave entrance — I do hope our species evolves past that incongruity before we’re all killed in the name of righteousness.

    Much less a simpler task like letting a proven teacher – teach.

  29. david says:

    First of all, the teacher looks awfully (and I mean AWFULly) like Dick Cheney in drag.

    I am a believer strict believer in no-mind. That is to say that the mind is a separate entity from me. Who “I” am is the Witness that watches everything including thoughts. There are techniques that you can learn to achieve this. When the Witness watches there is awe and wonder in everything it sees. When the Mind watches everything is commonplace and dull. The Mind (very much like the Matrix) is in control of the world. The Mind is sick. Literally, it is sick, for the most part. The best that people can do is have a humble, caring and kind ego. But when the Witness is in control, ego remains but it is watched. It is sort of like being schizophrenic except that the second personality has no personality–it only watches. This transexual teacher is living in the Matrix of thought where her/his mind has taken control and has believed in a sexual identity problem. She/he is just a little sicker than most other people. 99.9999% of people are sick in that they believe in the story of who they are. The only reason they are not referred to as sick is that everyone is sick too, so they are “normal”. The only way out of the Matrix is Mindfullness. It should be taught in schools. Mind is only a tool, just like a hammer. Use it only to accomplish a task. The rest of the time DO NOT THINK. Just be. Just experience without judging or thinking. You will be astonished to what you see.

  30. meetsy says:

    I’d rather have a tranny teaching my child than a man with a handlebar moustache….they’re always deviant as*holes. In fact, I’d rather have a tranny than a man with a comb-over (because comb-overs are in denial, insecure and often vicious back biters). I’d rather have a tranny than a woman with fake boobies (also denial, fake, and overly concerned about outside appearances and the belief their bodies are “bait”). I’d rather a tranny than one of those self-proclaimed — often and for no apparent reason — born-again Christians (because they’re short sighted, self absorbed and unable to grasp the concept of other people’s beliefs). I’d rather a tranny than 80% of unmarried, single, living alone, middle-aged single men and women (because they are bitter, angry, often weird, always a bit nutty, and tend to hate/distrust everyone, especially children) I could go on-and-on…..
    Trannies might be a bit touched, but, they’re less deviant than a whole lot of the creeps who are generally considered safe and “normal”. In fact, I am certain the statistics of child abuse by trannies to be darn LOW. This person opted for a lopitoffofme, hence, s/he is a eunich.
    Who cares if they’re a substitute teacher!!!


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