I found this weird ad in the basement of the SFO car parking area. It says, “I have theory. I need Action.” Is this like a hooker or what is this? Baffling.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    IBM is now in the biz of selling every part of their company I ever had an interest in. I don’t want a Lenovo-pad…….
    the only action I would apply to them involves electodes and giant leeches.

  2. Zybch says:

    Thats just plain wierd (not the leeches bit).
    Just about everybody has heard of IBM, the advert doesn’t add anything to the brand nor promote any actual product/solution.
    I guess that Big Blue have gotta do something with all that cash from lenovo. Even if it is on par with the artsy fartsy art-house ad homer ‘comissioned’ while he was Mr Plow.

  3. Dean says:

    I would hazzard a guess and say IBM is promoting its business consultation abilities.

  4. Looks like an ad that needed more proofing. But to me it says:

    if you’re a company that knows women are intelligent, and you know what you want to achieve, we can build it for you.

    It should say:

    I’ve got a theory.
    I need action now.

    – Precision Blogger

  5. Milo says:

    The other IBM… Wait wait, it’s a cookbook!

  6. James Hill says:

    There was an story on The Onion once about a company meeting its mission statement and deciding there was nothing left to do, so they liquidated their assets and shut down.

    Why doesn’t IBM do this?

    Besides, they’re already at a point where they know you don’t want to do business with IBM, so they’re advertising ‘The Other IBM’. It’s just sad.

  7. david says:

    Milo, hahaha. That was one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes.

    The ad is a demonstration of a foreign culture trying to speak to another. Basically, it’s a “lost in translation” thing. This can also be seen in the funny names of some fast food Chinese restaurants. I don’t think they meant them to be funny (or ominous).

  8. bill says:

    Remember “THINK” ?

    this is “DO”

  9. Mr Fusion says:

    Scary picture. I would think this would turn off a lot of people in a position to require consulting.

  10. Gerry says:

    Maybe that’s the point. Consultants ARE scary.

  11. they’re advertising ‘The Other IBM’. It’s just sad.


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