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Students Suspended for Bringing Dangerous Snowballs on Campus

Two Southern California high school students were suspended for bringing dangerous objects to school — snowballs.

Ramona High School seniors Michael Sepulveda and Daniel Zavala, the snowball co-conspirators, made a pre-dawn run to the San Bernardino Mountains to fill their pickup trucks with snow and bring it to school for what they hoped would turn into an annual “bring Big Bear to Riverside” ritual.

They were suspended after a school parking lot snowball fight before the start of classes Thursday.

Principal Mike Neece said one of his most important responsibilities is maintaining a safe, orderly learning environment.

“Anything that could cause injury, or could cause a student to get upset and instigate a fight, or damage students’ personal property is just inappropriate behavior.”

But then comes every schoolboy’s nightmare:

Savala’s mother Martha Valdez called the boys’ actions “harmless” but said she supported the decision by school officials.

“They’re still there to mandate the rules, and they have to draw the line somewhere.”

Aw, mom!!! Geez!!!

  1. Brian says:

    Sorry, but if they are trucking it in it’s melting and with a little compression it’s an iceball not a snowball and they might as well be throwing rocks. I know from experience, gleaned through a lifetime of living with snow and several sets of broken glasses and black eyes from these “harmless” projectiles.

  2. Eric says:

    Ya, I took an iceball in the cheek when I was younger, mashed my braces into my cheek.


  3. Mr Fusion says:

    Back in the olden days, when we had to walk 3 miles to school, uphill both ways, through 6 ft snowdrifts, it was nothing to be hit in the back of the head with a snowball. The first thing you would do is hand your school books to your sister, that was why you walked them to school, turn around and fire a few at the assailer(s). If you got one smack in the face, the thrower would yell “bullseye” !!!

    Yup, those were the fun days. And if somebody lost an eye, you took up a collection to buy him a glass one. Or donated a good “cat’s eye” marble.

    Suspending the kids for a snowball fight. What a wuss !!! The principal has probably only seen snow on TV during the Winter Olympics. The boys who filled up their pick-up with snow should be commended for their imagination.

  4. Locke says:

    mrlting snow=SLUSH balls, not ice. Iceballs=FROZEN slushballs
    and 6 is right……

  5. joshua says:

    thank god no 6 y/o boys were caught throwing snowballs at 6 y/o girls…..it would have been sexual harrassment as well.

  6. jasontheodd says:

    We hung a kid by his leather power-lifter belt from the side of the top bleacher, say 25 feet off the ground, while he wore out his profane word vocabulary calling us everthing he could think of. We were told to let him down and to behave ourselves. Now we would have probably been executed for doing something like that.


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