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Starting to hear talk radio types refer to Cheney’s delay in reporting the accident as the Ted Kennedy defense. I imagine the Bush dittoheads know exactly what that means.
More spin…no one died on this hunting trek. The only reason this story has traction is Cheney did not drop his gun with one hand and phone the NYTimes with the other. Too much time is wasted on these meaningless issues.
I spoke to Bill the other day and he said he wishes he thought of that earlier.
Dick is calling Bill to ask him what he thinks about the UAE port deal. Bill tells Dick that being a former President pays well. Clinton has made 2 trips to the UAE post 9/11 to the tune of $600,000 and the Liberal media has not even thought to ask Bubba what he thinks about the UAE port deal.
I wonder what Al Gore thinks about the UAE port deal? Bush/Cheney so Al says are treating Arabs in America so brutally post 9/11 according to Al’s recent paid speech in the Middle-East …..You know rounds them up and keeping them in unspeakable conditions…yada,yada,yada….
It is indeed interesting news. The media always needs something to talk about. CNN HN now repeats after every commercial almost. They thrive on having some story going.
However, they all actually fail to emphasize on the real story behind the accident: Cheney and Whittington (who “donates” large sums to the rep. party) didn’t even bother paying for a $7 stamp tax — technically they weren’t even allowed to be hunting in Texas.
If the VP and a wealthy man ignore a $7 fee, why should the rest of us put up with all the fees? As the administration turns around and hands down yet another tax break for the oil companies — who mind you — reported record earnings.
I rather go hunting with Dick then for a car ride with Teddy.
I’d enjoy this cartoon better if I knew who was under the desk.
– Precision Blogger
There is something about Cheney that is unsettling. If there ever was a reptilian humanoid (read David Icke–if for anything, great laughs) he would be the perfect specimen.
I rather go hunting with Dick then for a car ride with Teddy. — I agree atleast with Dick you have a punchers chance of not dying
The only reason that this got so blown out of proportion is because Dick didn’t want to talk to the New York times or CNN and dealt mostly with Fox News. I don’t blame him one bit either
This is turning into even more of a dittohead chuckle than I expected. All along, the “Teddy Kennedy defense” has been embraced by Republikans as an excuse to avoid testing for booze levels. Now that Cheney is liable, all recognition of the ploy disappears!
Too funny.
It’s a shame he didn’t kill the guy. Unintentional manslaughter.
Just another scandle the corrupt government could coverup.
Yup, Cheney had the unmitigated nerve to inform the local press before the Whiet House Press Corp. How horrifying!
The only reason this story has traction is Cheney did not drop his gun with one hand and phone the NYTimes with the other. Too much time is wasted on these meaningless issues.
Not quite. Shooting someone is not a trivial issue. It was not an accident, it was negligence on the part of the shooter, the Vice President of the United States and the next in line to the throne.
After the ambulance was summoned, a Deputy came to the ranch. He was denied entrance by the Secret Service (AKA the SS) and told that nothing happened.
The Sheriff wasn’t informed until the next day, depending on who says so, anywhere from 14 to 18 hours later. More then long enough to get the alcohol out of your system.
Even though it was a gun shot injury, the local Hospital didn’t notify the Sheriff. The Hospital in Corpus Christi, where Wittington was transferred to, didn’t notify any law enforcement either.
Cheney had time to sit down and eat and presumable get some sleep before notifying the Sheriff.
The Ranch owner had a different story then did Cheney’s office about releasing details of the accident. It was she who reported it to a local newspaper some 20 hours after the incident.
If this had been almost any other person they would have spent the night in jail for not reporting the gun shot injury and obstructing police for denying the Deputy entrance to the ranch. The high and mighty that hold themselves up as models of decency are actually worse then those they have condemned.