Hosten & Kwiat

By combining quantum computation and quantum interrogation, scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have found an exotic way of determining an answer to an algorithm – without ever running the algorithm.

Using an optical-based quantum computer, a research team led by physicist Paul Kwiat has presented the first demonstration of “counterfactual computation,” inferring information about an answer, even though the computer did not run.

“It seems absolutely bizarre that counterfactual computation – using information that is counter to what must have actually happened – could find an answer without running the entire quantum computer,” said Kwiat, ”but the nature of quantum interrogation makes this amazing feat possible.”

Sometimes called interaction-free measurement, quantum interrogation is a technique that makes use of wave-particle duality (in this case, of photons) to search a region of space without actually entering that region of space.

“In a sense, it is the possibility that the algorithm could run which prevents the algorithm from running,” Kwiat said. “That is at the heart of quantum interrogation schemes, and to my mind, quantum mechanics doesn’t get any more mysterious than this.”

Although I still don’t understand everything these lads are talking about — they surely look like they should be part of the DU Army.

Update: I received a nice email from Professor Kwiat trying to help me along to better understanding of his work. I’m afraid my math isn’t going to progress at this stage. He did make it clear that almost every article written about this project fell short in offering a complete explanation.

  1. moss says:

    I probably don’t comprehend it all; but, I can conceptualize it. Either road — rock on, guys!

  2. jasontheodd says:

    I’ve heard this crap before. The super-computer guys have been talking about building a quantum code breaker for the military for years, to break all military codes worldwide in nanoseconds.. About a year ago one of the MIT contributers said given Moore’s Law (about computer speeds doubling every year) we are only about a century away.

  3. Bryan says:

    So, How soon till it will run doom 3 at 150fps??????

  4. Ascii King says:

    It won’t run Doom 3, but it will run Counterfactual Strike. It will tell you how you did without you ever playing the game.

  5. Brad says:

    I think a lot of this stuff falls under the public thinking, “I don’t understand it – so it must be true!”

  6. Derik says:

    So will it tell me my test scores before I take the test?

  7. richard says:

    We can infer the physics of the planet mars using the physics of planet earth. A photon in one place infers the presence of a photon in another place. Since observing a quantum state changes it, the value here is that It seems possible to infer the quantum state of something without observing it.

    On the other hand, maybe it’s all hooey.

  8. jason says:

    do some digging on this… interesting cast of characters funding this…. “National Director of Intelligence’s Disruptive Technology Office ”

  9. NumLock says:

    But does it come in beige?

  10. Matt says:

    Can they save me money on car insurance????


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