BBC NEWS | Entertainment | TV and Radio | Fans set up church of SpongeBob — Oh, brother.

US fans of the flamboyant cartoon character SpongeBob Squarepants have set up a church in his name.

More than 700 members of the Church of SpongeBob meet for services in New York, Texas and California.

The church’s manifesto says it wants to push “simple things like having fun and using your imagination”, and offers study courses on the cartoon.

A spokesman for Nickelodeon, which makes the cartoon, said: “SpongeBob’s appeal is extraordinary.”

via Church Marketing Sucks blog

  1. bastich says:

    SpongBob Squarepants full of grace blessed thou art among sponges and deliver us from the crabbiness of our bosses. Amen.

  2. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    Oh well, here’s the site for these nutjobs:
    pretty awesome religion if you ask me.

  3. Todd says:

    you know… I really hate that sponge. I think I have pent up anger from when they replaced Rocko’s Modern Life with that sponge, but I still don’t get what the big fuss is about him and why he deserves his own religion. Oh yeah, the creators of the show also have not come out and properly identified the sex of that sponge, so I guess I should have used ‘it’.

  4. andrews says:

    Spongebob is a male, as far as I can tell.

  5. Mike Drips says:

    Um, aren’t you presenting graven images of The Sponge on this site? Take them down, infidel!
    P.S. I miss Rocko’s Modern Life too. Sniff!

  6. Ben says:

    Holly old news that article is from July 2004. The church is still going that is what is impressive. I am sure they will have a holy war with the church of Jimmy Nuetron or Cat Scratch any day now. Some fight over the holy lands of universal studios in Oralndo. A good religion is nothing without people dying in it’s name.

  7. site admin says:

    If he is not male then he’d (it) would have to be a lesbian since he dates Sandy the squirrel. From what I can tell there are no cartoon lesbians on Nick.

    I could be wrong.

  8. some_guy says:

    Spongebobs a guy, but it seems like he’s gay. But anyway, that whole church thing seems like just another cult.

  9. gyug says:

    I LOVE SPONGE BOB!!!!!!!!


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