Headington Shark

When pressed by journalists to provide a rationale for the shark, he suggested the following:

‘The shark was to express someone feeling totally impotent and ripping a hole in their roof out of a sense of impotence and anger and desperation…. It is saying something about CND, nuclear power, Chernobyl and Nagasaki.’


  1. FriedTurkey says:

    I thought the nuclear cause was dated. Reading the article it makes sense that he said that in 1986.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    …but engineers inspected the roof girders that had been specially installed to support it and pronounced the erection safe.

    Heh, Heh. He said “erection”. Heh, Heh. 🙂

  3. Gregory says:

    Everything old is new again 😉

    I’ve been past that actually (its on the drive to Oxford). It’s pretty cool to witness, but it is attention whoreing.. especially when you know the guys background.

  4. Mike says:

    More civilians were killed by Samurai swords than died by bullets AND atomic bombs in WWII. Where are the anti-sword protestors???

  5. jasontheodd says:

    Hell with reason and metaphor, I want a shark comming out of my house!

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    This sounds a little fishy to me. Must be an attention seeker.

  7. Rob says:

    LOL, I live in Headington, shame it was in the 80’s, that would have been funny to see on my way to uni.

  8. dD says:

    It was still there last year Rob, or it might have been two years now cause I saw it myself…. And trust me, it’s not easy to miss. Ask someone local they will surely direct you to it.

  9. k foltz says:

    Another attack of the dangerous Land Shark.


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