Scientists: Masturbation Not As Good As Sex

The Register: A swift one off the wrist – easy, convenient, refreshing – but just not the same as the real thing, perhaps.

Reporting in the journal Biological Psychology, researchers have now found a basis in physiology for the niggling dissatisfaction.

Levels of the hormone prolactin are lower after masturbation than intercourse. Prolactin makes us feel satisfied by counteracting the arousal messenger dopamine.

The levels of prolactin in the blood of subjects who committed an act of self-pollution after watching grumble flicks were just one fifth of those who had had actual sex in the lab. Still, either way, nice work if you can get it.

The scientists say the difference also explains why men may need a “recovery period” after forming The Beast with Two Backs, but can happily nip to the loo for five minutes, make the bald man cry, then get straight back to work.

  1. Rob deLange says:

    Well, that’s a relief to know….

  2. sporty says:

    Rob: Offensive foul! Bad punnery. 5 yards. 1st down.

  3. Todd says:

    … I’m glad that scientists are finally catching up to what the rest of us already know. haha

  4. Thermal says:

    “Still, either way, nice work if you can get it.”

    Paid to toss off…nice!

  5. FriedTurkey says:

    That article has some much British slang I need to use Bablefish to understand it.

  6. Kent Goldings says:

    You gotta think that the primary reason some egghead wrote this grant was to get laid. Get it …egghead…laid….little pun there…

  7. jasontheodd says:

    How, exactly, did they formulate this study? And was the controll group furnished with the appropriate “lab partner”?

  8. Dan Collins says:

    After 33 years of marriage I can state with absolute authority that sex is superior to jacking off.But without jacking off would I still be married?Idoubt it.

  9. site admin says:

    I think we need to get Dave Drews laid, to be honest about it.

  10. Thomas says:

    Talk about the grant of the century…

    “Find out whether masturbation is better than sex.”
    “I’ll attend to it personally!”

    I’d be interested in knowing the people that funded that study.

  11. Greg L says:

    But there is a certain amount of satisfaction of not having to deal with “snuggling” afterwards, so I would imagine it’s a “push”.

  12. News Flash: Sex is better than masturbation!!!!

    I have to toss my verbal ejaculate into the fray here. I knew this and it is one of the reasons my wife makes me happy and my ex-wife did not 🙂

  13. Greg L said, “But there is a certain amount of satisfaction of not having to deal with “snuggling” afterwards, so I would imagine it’s a “push”.”

    I have never heard a statement like this made by a happy man.

  14. Chuck says:

    1/5 less prolactin huh? I guess that means you have to make up for quality with quantity.

  15. Roc Rizzo says:

    And I thought that my standing date with Rosie Palmer and her five sisters was good enough!

  16. joshua says:

    don’t forget the trend towards *virtual* sex Wayne.
    Sex with out…well…sex!!!!!!!


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