A man was arrested and accused of fatally beating his roommate with hammers because there was no toilet paper in their home…

Crow told investigators that the men were fighting about the toilet paper over the weekend when Matthews pulled out a rifle. Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer, according to an affidavit.

Matthews was beaten so badly he had to be identified through his fingerprints, detectives said.

Hey, if you gotta go, you gotta go.

  1. randmeister says:

    One word: DRUGS.

    I don’t mean that as a joke, either. Drugs, especially methamphetamines and heroin, make people lose all sense of morality and restraint.

    Wayne: I would argue that there were two lives devalued, not necessarily due to absence of religion, but definitely due to DRUGS.

  2. Pat says:

    Wayne & randmeister

    There is no mention in the story about drugs and / or alcohol or religion. All pure conjecture.

    But hey I can relate. No toilet paper can make some people go ballistic. It is just one of those finer things in life you just can’t do without. TP is so important in today’s economy that a whole industry has developed around it.

    Almost as bad is buying the paper that your fingers go right through and still has wood chips in it. That’ll do it to.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Wiped out over toilet paper how ironic.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    Its like this happened on another planet:

    … when Matthews pulled out a rifle. Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer,…

    Toilet paper, “roommate”, rifle, claw hammer, sledgehammer??? 🙁

    I give Thanks, for the bazillionth time, for being able to live what is – apparently – a very sheltered life.


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