A wave of international victories for Dutch darts players has prompted an increase in the number of injuries as people take up the game at home, according to the Dutch consumer safety association.

Over-eagerness caused most of the injuries, said a spokeswoman for the group, with players hurling their darts before opponents had finished retrieving their own. Poorly hung dartboards also posed problems.

“Often the board falls down on someone’s foot or worse on someone’s head,” she added.

People must learn that safety begins in the home.

  1. Suzie says:

    There may be a good market for the velcro and magnetic dart boards soon! 🙂

  2. PhillySteve says:

    Ahhh, but the real thing is so much more satisfying.

  3. Pat says:

    As long as the Vice President doesn’t take up Darts.

    Oh, he does play already?

    Can we get Uncle Dick to teach Georgie to play darts?

  4. Wayne Bradney says:

    I learned from a very early age that you should never hang a dartboard on the back of a door.


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