Time for another poll on what you think about the issues of the day.

There is a new study indicating only a small percentage of people would want the ability to select the sex of their next child. What do you think? Would you want to select a boy or girl if you could?

If you did and went ahead with the proceedure, would you feel differently about the child if it came out “wrong” (ie, asked for a boy and got a girl)?

In China, it’s not uncommon for mothers to abort girl babies. Aside from the moral issues, this practice has led to an overabundance of males which will cause serious problems in coming decades. Would you go that far if you are in favor of abortion the baby will be the wrong sex? How often do you think abortions in the US occur because of this?

Tell us what you think!

  1. Dan Collins says:

    3 daughters later and I wouldn’t change a thing.There are times when I question why I had kids but I would never choose the sex.

  2. Yes I would “select-a-sex”. I would also accept an alteration that would lead to good eyesight, good teeth, lower likelyhood of cardiac issues, diabetes, cancer, etc.Ayone who allows their children to suffer something they could have prevented is a fool and a poor parent. But I am sure the core of this issue in the US will be that sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell.

    IMO Abortion as sex selection should never be legal, but I am a man, and I have no right to debate the issue, nor does any other male of the species.

  3. Roc Rizzo says:


  4. decompiler says:


    boy or girl doesn’t matter to me. i don’t mind if other people choose, but i want that egg to be fertilized by “the one that should’ve made it” you know what i mean?

    now, if they can figure out how to tell which sperm are going to be republicans, i’ll start weeding them out.

  5. J. Cottrell says:

    well, luckily, republican sperms mostly come from republican pops, so if you can just weed them out, there goes most of the problem.

    It will be very interesting to watch china. Right about the time they reach super status, they will have no way to propogate the population. Karma’s a bitch!!!

  6. JL says:

    you mean… you can’t?
    oopss… better call my wife

  7. Andy Lee says:

    Its only a matter of time I’m afraid!

  8. Scott Gant says:

    Yeah, I always thought it was what position you were in when you conceived.

    For instance, if you conceived with the man on top, it’s a boy. If you conceived with the woman on top, it’s a girl.

    And you’ll be having puppies if you conceived…..oh never mind. Found the flaw in that logic.

    But hey, good times right?

  9. alexdagrate says:

    Maybe. I, like all youngsters with no kids, only want one boy and one girl. If I had a male child first, I’d like to select the next as a girl. If I had a girl first, I’d like to select the next as a boy.

    However, would any wife really go along with this?

  10. Lou says:

    As long as the selection is done pre-fertilization, I’m OK withit.

    I probably wouldn’t do it, but if I would feel for someone who had 5 of one gender, and wanted the other for the sixth one.

    As to Michael’s comment:

    IMO Abortion as sex selection should never be legal, but I am a man, and I have no right to debate the issue, nor does any other male of the species.

    Michael you have a complete right to debate the issue. We debate issues that don’t affect us directly all the time. Should only women be allowed to debate it? Should it only be women of childbearing age? Should it only be pregnant woman?

    And as to the concept of “It’s Her Body, It’s Her Decision”, well that sort of falls apart when we have laws against drug use, against suicide. The suicide analogy actually is relatively close in my mind… we have laws against it because we, as a society think it is morally wrong and wrong in the Judeo Christian theology. Is abortion that different?

    (Personally, I’m one of the board libertarians, so I agree, utlimately its her body, and she can do what she wants to it, but the hypocracy of others determining what you can put into your body and can’t needs to be eliminated).

  11. Michelle Dyson says:

    I’ll start with the last question first — how often do I think abortions occur in the US b/c the mother (or parents together) find out they’re having the “wrong” sex baby? Seeing as how it’s very difficult to ascertain the sex prior to the 20th week of gestation (or 5th month), AND, according to Planned Parenthood: ”

    Most abortions — nearly 90 percent — are provided in the first trimester — the first three months of pregnancy. Fewer than 11 percent take place in the second trimester. Abortion is very rare and only done for serious health reasons after 24 weeks.”

    So I’d say, not so much am I worried the U.S. is the next China in that regard.

    And would I choose the sex ahead of time if I could? I used to think not — but after my first child (a boy) was diagnosed with autism, and I know that the disorder is three to four times more common in boys than girls — I might have seriously considered it with the next child.

  12. James Hill says:

    Yes. I would guide her away from most of the guys that post on here.

  13. Larry says:

    Yes. I would.

  14. Pat says:

    Well, with girls there are all those fancy dresses to buy, and extra underwear, and the prom, and the make-up, and hair dressers, and those expensive trips to Aruba, and the wedding (complete with dress), and whatever else your wife says they need.

    With boys all you have to shell out for is their bail money.

    Next question.

  15. estacado says:

    What about choosing the sexual orientation of a child. Are there any parents who actually wish their child to be gay/lesbian?

  16. Mike T says:

    No. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should. Thousands and thousands of years have gotten us where we are today. To think that we know better than nature is arrogant at best.

    If we did something like this on a regular basis, I think that would be the beginning of us outsmarting ourselves out of existence.

  17. Bill R. says:


    We wanted one of each and are blessed to have one of each. It couldn’t be better… (For us anyway… 😉

  18. GregAllen says:


    … depending on how many we eventually had. With the first one, either boy or girl is find. (My culture has no need for a first-born male. )

    But after that, It would be nice to have a mix of boys and girls.

    (But, NOT via abortion… only if gender selection did’t hurt the fetus. )

  19. John says:

    No…that takes all the fun out of it. If i dont get what I want…i just try again 😉

  20. It doesn’t really matter to me. When I eventually have kids, my goals are completely independant of the sex of the child. (equally difficult and equally possible)

  21. forrest says:

    Being a father, I realized that I would not have it any other way. Regardless of the sex of the child, parents should still have the same amount of love and devotion to their child(ren).

    However, it is interesting because in falls in line with the modern human notion that we control our own destiny. This is just another aspect of life that people want to control. But certain things are probably better left to fate instead of decisions that can be considered bash.

    In regards to China, it makes total sense what they are doing now. It’s population control, yes…there’s a skew in the male-to-female ration, but in the following generations, the population will decline because of it. The whole point of the Chinese policy is to decrease population numbers in mainland China, not to keep them steady or increase population slowly.

  22. Moe29 says:


    India also has a high rate of using abortion as a sex selection tool.

    They even have clinics that give sonograms just for sex ID.

    (the government of India has recently made this illegal)

    And oddly enough, it’s higher income families in India that use this method the most.

    It’s a sad world we live in.

  23. Chris says:

    Considering the fact that many in China who can’t afford abortions (or the tests to determine the sex of the baby) merely abandon them when they are born, this might be a step in the right direction for China. Of course, being that putting up the abandoned baby girls who manage to get rescued for adoption to foreigners is HUGE business for China, maybe it isn’t such a good move from a fiscal perspective…

  24. Floyd says:

    Gender of a baby doesn’t matter, though its health sure does. incidentally, I have a 22 year old daughter. We could have known her gender before birth, but decided to leave it a surprise. Just as well–she still surprises us all the time.

  25. David Jones says:

    No, got 1 daughter, 1 more on the way. Now if you asked if I could have a 100% guarantee that my child would be healthy. That’s another question.

  26. Anant says:

    No kids yet – but would not want to chose the sex of the child. Funnily enough I was speaking to a friend of mine in India and he mentioned that in India it is actually illegal to find out the sex of your child before birth. Ultrasound technicians (and Doctors) will not tell you whether you are going to have a boy or girl.


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