Microsoft Corp., the world’s largest software maker, prematurely posted information about its much-anticipated Windows Vista operating system on one of its Web sites, the company said on Tuesday.

Microsoft disclosed information about a plan to release eight different editions of the new operating system on a company help page that was under development. The company has not made any official statements about the different versions of Windows Vista it plans to offer.

So, do you get to trade up — or down — after you discover the version you bought sucks?

  1. Richard says:

    Which one will Apple use?

  2. Thomas says:

    Somehow I doubt this was a “blunder” and more of a “test the market reaction” maneuver.

  3. moss says:

    “Market” reaction was probably laughing yourself silly.

  4. Puttanun says:

    I just hope they don’t go too crazy with the price.

    Maybe around $160 for the update version? What you think?

  5. Dan dD says:

    Think about it:

    home edition
    pro edition
    media centre edition
    server edition
    tablet edition
    3rd world edition

    Not sure about the other two but that’s 6. Maybe they will sell a stripped out edition for eu complience that’s 7. Maybe they will sell one which is worth buying, but I doubt that very much.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Historically the upgrades has been about $100. XP Pro is higher because it was meant to be an enterprise product with more robust networking support. Early gossip has the deluxe home version upgrade in the $130 range.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:


    Good point, I’ll go with your math.

  8. James says:

    according to the link…
    Starter ’07 (third world crap)
    Basic Home
    Premium Home
    Ultimate (Gaming/Media)
    2 EU versions.

    Now, what on earth do they plan on putting in the Ultimate version that makes it worth more? Code that works? Maybe? Nah, couldn’t be that… probably flashier graphics to make it look xtremez to the maxx which will really just hog system resources.
    And what are they going to take out for the crappy version? Probably drivers… or maybe they’ll just up it to 8 copies of the AOL, quicktime, etc install files. I can’t see needing vista anyway, unless they have good 64 bit support and I decide to upgrade my proc. But, beside that I don’t even know.

  9. Chuck says:

    I didn’t see the actual Microsoft page, but I’m wondering if this is 8 different actual versions or 8 different SKUs. I can easily count 10 differnt SKUs for Windows XP:

    XP Home: Upgrade, OEM, Retail Box
    XP Pro: Upgrade, OEM, Retail Box, Open License (MOLP)
    XP Media Center: OEM
    XP Pro 64: OEM, Retail Box

    And I’m sure there are a couple I’m missing.

  10. Mike Voice says:

    Now, what on earth do they plan on putting in the Ultimate version that makes it worth more?

    If this is the “Media Center” version, might it have the extra DRM features needed to allow playing Blu-ray and HD DVD discs on the PC?

    Of course, M$ and Intel have already slammed Blu-ray for not requring “managed copy” – so maybe it is just the DRM to support HD-DVDs?,1895,1864036,00.asp

    Microsoft officials said Windows Vista, the next major update to its dominant operating system, will support only HD DVD in its default configuration, with Blu-Ray support requiring additional software.

  11. jasontheodd says:

    It’s moments like this that make me glad I don’t use Windows. You poor poor people……….you have my sympathy, you really do.

  12. Lou says:

    “It’s moments like this that make me glad I don’t use Windows.”

    I hate having to feel bad for Microsoft, but darn it, they get critised for everything.

    Are versions easier under Linux? Which Distro? Which Version? Which Desktop? What packages come with it? What do I have to recompile from scratch?

    And the good old Mac. You want versions, they got versions: Look at: Sure those are update versions, but Geez, in lots of cases, you needed to get and reinstall your software (or figure out the right version of something for the right version of Mac OS).

    Different strokes for different folks. If I can get a cheaper computer because the OS doesn’t include Windows Media Player, fine by me. I just hope they at least price appropriately.

  13. jasontheodd says:


    The point is, versions under Linux are all FREE.


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