Model Chanel Ryan: Country girl-next-door

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Wondercon Comic book /art convention in San Francisco. Chanel Ryan was there to appease the geeks. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a pic. I also took pics of all the various cartoonists and now have a pretty decent collection. I’ll try to organize them and plaster them on Flickr soon.

And yes, I figured that posting the picture of Chanel Ryan will get the blog more Google hits than any of the artists. :) Wondercon is a great show by the way. That’s my full report.

  1. ranron says:

    John, are you married? ‘Cause it does not seem like you are. I mean, you are always working on pleasurable, huh, computers, and staring at other women, so I would naturally assume either you are unmarried or your wife is really forgiving…

  2. site admin says:

    Geez boyz, let’s go over how this works. I’ve been taking pictures of pretty girls since I was 10. Pretty girls like to have their picture taken. There are few exceptions to this rule. Guys (blog readers) and women both like to look at pictures of pretty girls. The interaction with models such as Chanel is rather brief and professional. I’m not gawking or drooling or trying to pick up this chick (like I have a shot, hah). She can tell and responds like a professional. My approach with models is simple and straightforward. I tell them I need a shot, I direct them where to stand I make sure they look good and shoot until they do. I then say thanks and walk off looking for other pictures. My wife essentially rolls her eyes over this process since I do manage to capture some cool shots of some hotties at almost every show. She was a model when she was younger and has some clue herself. I took three shots of Chanel. With one the flash blew out her poster. The second shot she was not smiling. That one is the third. I consider three to be the maximum intrusion for these sort of posed “candids.”

    And if you EVER want to go shooting ike this, “staring” as you suggested, is to be avoided.

    The show itself was rather photographically uninteresting — hence the ludicrous “full report” above. It’s a joke man! And of course I can back off from these sorts of photos on the blog if they are offending you!

  3. Zuke says:

    John, did my eyes see right? Did you use the term “hotties”??? Hehe… God bless you, John Dvorak. Now I only need 2 cups of coffee this morning instead of the usual 3. 🙂

  4. agile says:

    Miss Ryan is a hottie….I would appreciate your posting shots 1 & 2

  5. site admin says:

    Thanks Wofford. Geez, apparently I have no credibility here whatsoever.

  6. Michael G says:

    Did you post them to flickr? Link please?

  7. Mike T says:

    What in the heck are you doing at a comic book convention anyway? Geez!

    And you’re right — you have no credibility — but the pics are great! 🙂

    Mike T

  8. stew says:

    Keep the pics. stick with your story. just because your not hungry does not mean you can not check out the menu. 30 yrs marriad wife still rolls eyes.

  9. Mike Voice says:

    just because your not hungry does not mean you can not check out the menu.

    Or, as I prefer: “I’m married, not dead!”

  10. John Schumann says:

    You seem to have quite an eye for great blog pics, thanks!

    I’ve been enjoying the Winter Olympic Games tremendously. Any comments on whether anyone agrees with me that they’ve done the best sports photography with some really great cameras ever?

  11. Good Job John!
    Btw -; Did they really have cameras when you was 10??? hmmmm

    Just joking Don’t hit!

  12. John ::-) The little Boys @ Dvorak dot Orgasim have an assignment for you!!!
    Chanel will be at
    Penn Plaza Pavillion
    401 Seventh Ave at 33rd St.
    New York, NY 10001-2062
    March 31 – April 1 & 2

    Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center
    2500 Hollywood Way
    Burbank, California 91505
    April 22


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