Love, honor and cherish just ain’t enough for this guy. On the other hand, given what’s reported about the lives of Muslem women in fundamentalist mideast countries, perhaps this would be seen as perfectly normal there.

This country, as you know, is filled with the deranged. And then there’s Travis Frey, a 33-year-old Iowa man who is facing charges that he tried to kidnap his own wife (not to mention a separate child pornography rap). Frey, prosecutors contend, apparently is a rather demanding guy. In fact, he actually drew up a bizarre four-page marriage document–a “Contract of Wifely Expectations”–that sought to establish guidelines for his spouse in terms of hygiene, clothing, and sexual activities. In return for fulfilling certain requirements, Frey (pictured right) offered “Good Behavior Days,” or GBDs. Each GBD, Frey wrote, could be redeemed by his wife to “get out of doing the things” he requested daily.

Read the contract

  1. jasontheodd says:

    I married a little Texas cowgirl. I suspect that if I tried something like that, you would be reporting about a news article that read some thing like “St. Louis man found beaten to death with own entrails.” Where do people keep finding these slave women??? The women I have dated and/or married were all of a more assertive nature.

  2. Ballenger says:

    Same here Jason, my wife would have vacuumed his ashes off the futon in the garage and flushed them by the time she finished reading his “misogynist manifesto”.

  3. Scott Gant says:

    Well, my wife told me this if I ever did anything like this to her: “I have a .45 and a shovel….I doubt you’d be missed”.

  4. Lou says:

    I almost gotta believe this is some kind of joke.

    But I’ll be my libertarian self, and say that on its face, I like the idea of a “pre-marriage” expectations contract (assuming that was what it was), even his outrageous one. Its refreshing to think that she would know EXACTLY what she is getting into before hand, and can make an informed decision.

    By the way, the font used for the upper case letters is absolutely hilarious and needs to be “reproduced” in other documents!

  5. joshua says:

    i only got as far as the shaving part, naval to anus got me…
    This guy is a NOW poster boy. You couldn’t make up a guy like this.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    On another subject here, I made the comment about prosecutors making outlandish claims. This “contract” will never make it into court simply because it is unsigned, has nothing to do with the kidnapping charge, and is prejudicial. By releasing this, the prosecutor is trying to influence any jury pool that this is one bad dude even before the jury hears any evidence.

    It would appear that the prosecutor made a smart move because every response above treats it as true. Innocent until proven guilty or making a judgment on the evidence is something that only happens to people on TV.

    If the “contract” is legit, this is one sick dude.

  7. scott says:

    I live in council bluffs IA, small town with great people. This guy is not the norm around here. But the more I find my self reading this jacka_ses contract it sure would make marriage easy. Wow would that be nice. To bad women are to smart for this.

  8. Tia says:

    As for why women get involved/won’t leave, though, I can tell you why that is. Once a woman has bared her soul (and other things) to a man, shared her bed with him, and had children with him (which the so-called contract implies Mrs. Frey did) she finds it difficult to think that she’s opened herself up to someone with so little respect and caring. Then she decides she’ll stick around until he realizes how much she’s doing for him. Then, the flawed reasoning goes, he’ll respect her. I also know from experience that a gradual escalation of violence and vile behavior leads a woman to think that the behavior is more normal than it is, especially since abusive men are very good at righteous indignation when you dare to call them on their unacceptable actions. It can be very convincing. Women do need to take responsibility for their own well-being, but they also need to learn from a very young age that abusive men aren’t all cut from the same mold, and the fact that your man is different doesn’t necessarily mean he is different *enough* from the stereotypical “bad boyfriend” that he’s worth staying with.


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