Ayaan Hirsi Ali, in Hiding


SPIEGEL: Hirsi Ali, you have called the Prophet Muhammad a tyrant and a pervert. Theo van Gogh, the director of your film “Submission,” which is critical of Islam, was murdered by Islamists. You yourself are under police protection. Can you understand how the Danish cartoonists feel at this point?

Hirsi Ali: They probably feel numb. On the one hand, a voice in their heads is encouraging them not to sell out their freedom of speech. At the same time, they’re experiencing the shocking sensation of what it’s like to lose your own personal freedom. One mustn’t forget that they’re part of the postwar generation, and that all they’ve experienced is peace and prosperity. And now they suddenly have to fight for their own human rights once again.

It’s simple enough for religionists to criticize Hirsi Ali as someone who “has lost her religion”.

  1. sourcemonkey says:

    What started out as a lighthearted ‘geek culture’ blog has turned into an anti Islamic tirade. If i want to immerse myself in paranoid, jingoistic trash journalism I’ll watch Fox News. Somewhere along the line, John, your blog took a wrong turn.
    gquaglia states, in a comment below, that: “Islam will not rest until the whole world is a model of their ideal.” In the interests of being ‘fair and balanced’ one could also explore the possibility that the statement: ‘America will not rest until the whole world is a model of their ideal’ may be more valid.

  2. Jim W. says:

    I would say, as a “religionist”. that she didn’t lose her religion so much as found Truth.

    Hirsi Ali: There is no freedom of speech in those Arab countries where the demonstrations and public outrage are being staged. The reason many people flee to Europe from these places is precisely because they have criticized religion, the political establishment and society. Totalitarian Islamic regimes are in a deep crisis. Globalization means that they’re exposed to considerable change, and they also fear the reformist forces developing among émigrés in the West. They’ll use threatening gestures against the West, and the success they achieve with their threats, to intimidate these people.


    ….Not a day passes, in Europe and elsewhere, when radical imams aren’t preaching hatred in their mosques. They call Jews and Christians inferior, and we say they’re just exercising their freedom of speech. When will the Europeans realize that the Islamists don’t allow their critics the same right? After the West prostrates itself, they’ll be more than happy to say that Allah has made the infidels spineless.

  3. Milo says:

    Sourcemonkey says:

    “America will not rest until the whole world is a model of their ideal’ may be more valid.

    Oh no, prosperous democracy! This must be stopped!

    Check out what another prominent Muslim has to say:

    “When Muslims put the Prophet on a pedestal, we’re engaging in idolatry of our own. The point of monotheism is to worship one God, not one of God’s emissaries. Which is why humility requires people of faith to mock themselves — and each other — every once in a while.”

    More at:


  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    European Muslims are finding out that Freedom of Speech and the Press also gives the right to be extremely stupid.

  5. Milo says:

    Mr. Fussion says:

    “European Muslims are finding out that Freedom of Speech and the Press also gives the right to be extremely stupid.”

    Only the European Muslims that didn’t understand free speech in the first place are finding that out.

  6. BOB G says:

    gregallen you can not have a honest informed dicussion with someone wanting to kill you over a cartoon.

  7. Lester says:

    Per reasercher Webster Tarplay is whole cartoon operation is to get Europe involved in, or to actually head, an attack on Iran. I heard this in an interview with Tarplay on Rense.com. The whole linkage between the owner of the newspaper and Blair (or Bush, I forget) was given. Of course this is just a puzzle piece. Islamist fever is being used and they are being manipulated… more on the whole Islam as proxy warrior for the Reich et al can be found in the reaserch of Dave Emory, who has much content at http://archive.wfmu.org:5555/archive/DX/.
    Tarplay.net exists but as yet doesn’t cover this issue, and the interview at Rense.com is via paid access.

  8. Pat says:


    Gee that was a horrible story. It doesn’t compare to some of the actions in the bible though. Such as God drowning everyone, except for Noah and his family, in a flood. Or wiping out a whole city of Gomorrah. Or any of the other mass murders God inflicted on mankind.


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