Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Cleric Offers Bounty on Cartoonist — Two sick stories coming from the Eastern Hemisphere.

A Pakistani cleric on Friday announced a $1 million bounty for killing a cartoonist who drew Prophet Muhammad, as thousands joined street rallies across the country and authorities arrested scores of protesters.

Police put another Islamist leader under house detention amid fears that the demonstrations held after Friday prayers would turn violent, after riots this week killed five people, but most protests passed off peacefully.

Denmark announced it had temporarily closed its embassy in Pakistan after a week of riots in which Western businesses were targeted. The country also advised against all travel to Pakistan and urged Danes still in the country to leave.

And this Story from the Times of India

LUCKNOW: In a shocking demand, UP cabinet minister and senior Samajwadi Party leader Mohammed Yaqoob Qureshi on Friday called for the beheading of the cartoonist who had sketched Prophet Mohammed for a Danish newspaper and announced that he would give “the avenger” Rs 51 crore and weigh him in gold.

And pre-empting the question about where he’d get the money, the minister for Haj told a protest rally in Meerut that the money would be collected from the people of Meerut and that Muslim women were ready to sell their gold ornaments to “reward” any would-be assassin.

To balance this the normal clerics have rebuked much of this as cited here. But you still have to admit that this cartoon fiasco is out-of-control.

  1. Steve says:

    Don’t you think if Allah was so incensed he would do his own dirty work?

  2. Pete Findlay says:

    If they are so upset about cartoons how come they are clumsy and kill themselves while they have protests. That seems silly.

  3. Scott Gant says:

    Honestly, I think the cartooning world should go the opposite way and feature Muhammad in every cartoon from now on. For a religion that is suppose to be subservient to God and not worship anything but God and proclaiming that all men are just men….they sure do put Muhammad above all else. Yet I’ve talked to many Muslims and they are quick to point out to me that Muhammad was just a man, a prophet to be sure, but just a man. As was Jesus to them and Moses and others. Yet if anyone made a cartoon about Jesus or Moses, they’re not out killing people. Why is that? I am grossly ignorant about this religion, that’s for sure.

    But I think Mr. Dvorak is right, this has nothing to do with the cartoon per-se….they’re just looking for an excuse to go crazy again.

  4. simran says:

    I feel strongly obliged to apologize on behalf of my continent and my country (India) for this disgusting behaviour. I am truly sorry.

  5. jasontheodd says:

    Seems an “ignorant” cartoonist, wasn’t so ignorant after all…..

  6. rick says:

    The “Cleric” ordered this? This is not a religion folks, it is a social disease.

  7. gquaglia says:

    This is just an excuse to lash out with violence against anyone who is not muslim. Same thing that happened in France a few months back. Expect many more of these bloody protests in Europe for various silly reasons.

  8. I hate to be picky, but in the blog’s headline for this item, the spelling should be “Parliament” not “Parliment”.

  9. paddler says:

    And they wonder why people think Islam is such a whacked out religion. They need more truly faithful leaders like the Christians have.

    People like Pat Robertson calling for the assination of Hugo Chávez. And don’t forget our baptist brother Pastor Fred Phelps, he can be found at And my personal favorites, the abortion clinic bombers faithfully killing innocent people in the name of God for over 25 years.

    I could go on and on but my point is we don’t have to leave this country to find religious nut jobs every bit as bad those muslim wackos.

  10. gquaglia says:

    Paddler, don’t forget all the pedephile catholic priests.

  11. Mike Voice says:

    I feel strongly obliged to apologize on behalf of my continent and my country (India) for this disgusting behaviour. I am truly sorry.

    No need for you to apologise, any more than I would apologise for Pat Robertson.

    The only people who should be apologizing to the world are the ones who allow themselves to be incited by this type of crap – or worse – just use it as an excuse to go trash their neighborhood McDonalds. 🙁

  12. Curtis Stone says:

    I can’t offer $1 million, but I can offer the 12 Danish cartoons at As a matter of fact, I will even offer you a game called Shoot Gallery, which begins with an introduction from “Prophet Bomb”.

  13. Puttanun says:

    This world sucks, I wanna go somewhere else.

  14. Sounds The Alarm says:

    This just proves that we are all truely equal. We all have the same capacity to due truely stupid things.

  15. Any room on the moon?

  16. Steve F says:

    This is just another example of why religeon is a plague on human society.Religeon is the opiate of the people, used for thousands of years to control and manipulate ignorant masses by the proletariate. Anyone who believes that fundamentalist Cristians are better behaved than fundamentalist Muslims are hiding their heads in the sand.

  17. Gregory says:

    Paul – he’s a nutty Cleric, that was based in East London, who routinely called for muslims to.. well basically kill people.

    He was also recently convicted.

  18. joshua says:

    Shame that those clerics have a million dollars for a beheading but no money for health care, education, sanitary water to drink or just plain old job creation.
    Or have I missed something here… the welfare of the ordinary Muslim against the Koran as well.


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