Most readers are familiar with Japanese game shows where public humiliation and ridicule seems to be the theme. Well apparently this sort of thing carries down to kids shows where children are literally terrorized on TV. Here kids have pork chops strapped to their foreheads while a ravenous monitor lizard is released to attack them. Unbelieveable.
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That’s not a kids show. Those women are adults.
Those are not kids in that video. Take a closer look.
Funny and bizarre. Good TV!
This is great! Maybe we’ll try it at my daughter’s 13th birthday party.
that is hilarious! They looked like little girls to me. but what do I know. I think it’s great!
I couldn’t figure out what was more rediclous – this clip or the story about the Editor of the Studen news paper…
Adding video to devorak uncensored was a great idea, but this is getting out of hand.
The video of the little girl shooting at the full auto trade show that was news worthy. thats something you need to see to understand
BrokeBack to the Future, news worthy because people are/were talking about it I guess.
The sushi thing, okay I guess thats newsworthy to some people, and has some funny moments
the commercial for that beer with the bathtub cannon ball? eh okay I’ll let it slide if it’s really worth watching.
Japanese game show clips that have been floating around the internet for the past 3 years? No… not a good blog post.
If I wanted that I’d goto a crap site like ebaum’s world
They aren’t little girls. They are little women.
Hey, the clip is new to me…so I posted it.
And out of over 4000 posts on this site there are about 10 video clips..and you say that “it’s getting out of hand?” Geez.
Wow. Pork makes you look young. And I learn that after spending tons of money on face cream all these years.
I like the one at about 45 seconds. She looks almost bored in the midst of her comrads’ panic.
I can relate. When I was a kid my parents tied a pork chop to me so the dog would play with me. Did that lizard really want to play?
These videos are great. I’ve seen a few before, but seeing them again is just fine. I vote for more videos !!! And if some are dogs, then so be it. We will appreciate the others that much more.
Deja vu.
OMG those are too funny!
Those Japanese game shows are hilarious. Spike TV shows them all the time under the show name MXC with some lame dubbed commentaries. (turn the TV volume off and turn on the music of your choice) The sets and props they use are incredible and will make you laugh! And no matter how messed up or dirty they get, they are still smiling afterwards! :B
This is great and all, but you already posted this video, Dvorak! If not you then one of your associates. The new video feature you’re adding is great, but when it starts to repeat from 3, 4, 5 months ago… I don’t know. Still a funny vid.
Yes, true I was busted for it…but this version runs on the site…no excuses though.
This is Morning Musume. Its goofy ass shit, but totally harmless to all involved. Well, it seems John is traumatized, but that’s about it.
Taken out of context I supposed one could be disturbed but this, but you should watch a whole episode. Its just wacky chicks being stupid. No big deal.
Along the same lines, this is a of one of the Morning Musume girls being pursued by a polar bear, while wearing a baby seal hat on her head….
For what it’s worth, I like the video clips. They’re usually weird and unusual enough to call attention to.
I don’t think this one is any more gross than watching celebrities jump into bathtubs full of bugs or rodents on American TV.