I remember my younger days going out to bars where I might ask a woman if she wanted to play the new video game the bar had just gotten: Pong. Never know where it might lead. If this were today I wouldn’t need to go to all that trouble. Just log on or buy one of the new sex games and not have to worry about actually touching a human female. Progress!

Sex Games Get Down to Business

Sexy mods squeezed into video games may still cause controversy, but racy titles are becoming so popular the industry is planning a convention so developers can chart a path to success.

Evergreen Events will host the first-ever Sex in Video Games Conference this June. The two-day San Francisco gathering will delve into the design, development and technology of sex in video games, both in the United States and abroad.

“Mature themes and sexual content in games is huge,” said Brenda Brathwaite, conference chair and leader of the International Game Developers Association Sex special interest group. “The adult game market is taking off like a rocket!”

At the conference, industry veteran Dave Taylor — a programmer on the original Doom and Quake games and now an independent producer with several projects in development — will tackle the topic of the future of technology in sex games.

Taylor developed an advanced simulation engine that makes game characters more realistic, which he says could take erotic gamers “much closer to (their) ultimate fantasy.”

  1. jasontheodd says:

    I’m a little concerned about the stability of anyone aroused by pixles………….

  2. Mr Mustard says:

    No wonder civilization is crumbling. Instead of going out and meeting a real woman (or man, as the case may be), these porn addicts are trapped in an endless adolesence, home alone in their darkened “bachelor pads”, playing these sex games as they play with themselves. You can identify these guys on the rare occasions when they go out…they’re the 50-year-olds scouring the used-book and memorabilia shops for 1st-edition comic books and collector baseball cards.



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