A middle school gym teacher let children sit out his class if they paid him $1 a day, collecting perhaps thousands of dollars, officials said Thursday.

Terence Braxton, 28, took the payoffs between September and December, resigning after the principal learned of the scheme from a parent, authorities said.

The charges accuse Braxton of taking about $230 from six students, but Ward said the teacher’s take from the 250 sixth-to-eighth grade boys and girls was probably much greater.

“It’s not bad if you can make an extra $100 a day tax free,” said Ronnie Arnold, spokesman for the Escambia County School District.

Cash money is always best. The stuff at the heart of small business.

  1. I can see why the kids would take that deal. WHen I was in High School I had a teacher that could get me out of gym, there seemed to be alot of computer problems in the computer lab 😉

    No I am not worry about this teacher getting in trouble at all, 1) he was a very populare teacher, and 2) if he was still alive the school could not take action against him with out all the students rising up against them.

  2. joshua says:

    the real point of the story here should be that there are so many little fat as*** running around that school.
    And an aside to Micheal P……if these kids won’t take gym, what makes you think they have the energy or ambition to *rise up* against the school……lol

  3. Nerd says:

    Why didn’t I think of that? Bribe the teacher $1 to skip abject humiliation from peers? Not a bad deal. Heck, I would have gladly forfeited my lunch money to skip on the torture.

  4. Kyle Bandy says:

    I’m an eighth grader, and I would pay up five bucks per class to get out of gym, if I could–trust me!


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