Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for “Roses of the Prophet Mohammed.”

Bakeries across the capital were covering up their ads for Danish pastries Thursday after the confectioners’ union ordered the name change in retaliation for caricatures of the Muslim prophet published in a Danish newspaper.

“Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to ‘Rose of Mohammed’ pastries,” the union said in its order.

These people are as back-asswards as the inventors of “Freedom Fries”.

  1. Paul says:

    Reminds me of when French Fries became Freedom Fries. Maybe the Iranians should switch to Belgian Buns or just stick to Kebabs! mmmm mmm tasty Iranian kebabs… but I digress!

  2. GM says:

    The earlier poster is correct, it is the same thing as “Freedom Fries” and “Freedom Toast”, so we shouldn’t get too smug. Back in’03 representivies Jones and Ney had a
    news conference about the change in the house cafeteria menu:

    “This action today is a small, but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France,” said Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, the chairman of the Committee on House Administration.

  3. name says:

    look up the history of the croissant. You’ll find some interesting history about how the bakers prevented the muslim invasion and was allowed to make the crescent shaped pastries to take a bite out of islam… Go back far enough in history, and you’ll find that humanity is a pendulum… Never going father than it ever has before…

  4. Alex says:

    That will teach the Danes not to mess with Muhammad! Oy!

  5. Maxx says:

    anyone calling French Fries “Freedom Fries” should be sent to guantanamo bay!

  6. James Hill says:

    You’re all right. Renaming food is stupid. Go back to killing people over a cartoon, because that’s much more rational.

    Personally, I thought the “freedom fries” thing was a bit much… but I understood the point. Likewise, I understand the point of what the Iranians are doing.

    Logical political protests are fine, regardless of their stripe.

  7. Zuke says:

    “cream filled…” LOL!

    Man, I sure don’t see much criticism anywhere in the mainstream media about the Muslims going absolutely ape-sh*t over the cartoons. Everyone is wimping out on their principles when it appears the freedom of the press has dire consequences from those in other countries who don’t respect it. Wusses.

    Now I hear one of the clerics has issued a cash bounty for the murder of the cartoonist. Crazy.

  8. joshua says:

    To Zuke
    And you won’t see much either. If the Muslims were Catholic, evangelical or white men then the wrath and indignation of the *free* press would be a horrible thing to witness.
    Our press is an elitist group of whiners, who only can be incensed at conservatives, or when their own privleges are threatened. ie: see Chaney story!
    I honestly believe that the vast majority of Muslims would just like to be able to earn a living, support their families and live in peace. But their goverments can’t allow them to think about their situtations, so we have mass demonstrations. And the western press, especially here,
    in Canada and England act like it’s not any of their concern

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Zuke and joshua

    Bull crap !!! Can you show me one news outlet that has NOT reported the whole thing about the cartoons and subsequent riots? This has been Front Page / Headline News since it became an issue.

    All news media show / report what their audience expects. The issue of not reporting this in the western media is a neo-con invented story. Limbaugh, the F-word network, and similar wing nuts have propounded this myth. Get a grip guys then get a life. The news is being reported.

    In case you haven’t noticed lately, the rioting has died down. I suspect because the rioters realized they were only hurting their own cause. And true, the vast majority of Muslims want the same as the vast majority of westerners. Three squares a day, a warm dry bed, and a place to call home.

  10. Zuke says:

    Mr. Fusion –

    In case you haven’t noticed, 11 people were killed in Libya and the Italian consulat was burned today from more riots. I guess I have a different opinion from you in that I don’t see calls for assassinations this week as dying down.

    I didn’t make my point clear then. Yes, TV and press are reporting the violence, # of killings, buildings burned, etc… BUT what I’m saying is that I haven’t seen these cartoons republished in any U.S. rags and/or the usual op-ed pieces being published to denounce all the killings (murders) and violence that are going on in response to a series of amateurish cartoons. You know, like – Hey we support the Danish newspaper/illustrator for printing these commentary-style cartoons, and support the right to do so in the future, despite the dozens of murders that have occurred, the rioting, the destructions of consulats, calls for assassinations, etc. It’s called Free Speech and Freedom of the Press and we stand by it til death do us part.

    PLEASE show me where a prominent U.S. newspaper or news agency has done that and I will “Get a grip… and then get a life” as you say.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    I’m not sure what your question is.

    I think what you are saying is that the Western news outlets should report the news as you see it and if they don’t then they didn’t report it. Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech is only what you says it means. Now, by that rational, a news outlet doesn’t have any Freedom of the Press. It would become a state run mouth piece if it followed your ideals.

    Freedom of the Press means the publisher / producer may report the stories they want and as they want. The Government can not prevent them from publishing a story or force them to publish a story.

    As for publishing the cartoons, why should they? I don’t care what the cartoons are. If a newspaper publishes the cartoons then fine. If they don’t then no problem. But to complain that they are ignoring it is just plain wrong. A story on a pornography trial doesn’t need the pictures for the readers to understand the case.

  12. Pat says:


    I think I should retract my comment about this dying down. You are correct about Libya and this morning’s news from India and Pakistan are not any better.

  13. Zuke says:

    Wow, now CNN reports 15 people killed and 11 churches burned in Nigeria today. When will this end???


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