“Politically-correct” Wal-Mart customers

The state pharmacy board ordered Wal-Mart on Tuesday to stock emergency contraception pills at its stores in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts becomes the second state to require the world’s largest retailer to carry the morning-after pill.

A Wal-Mart spokesman said the company would comply with the directive by the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy and is reviewing its nationwide policy on the drug.

“Clearly women’s health is a high priority for Wal-Mart,” spokesman Dan Fogleman said. “We are actively thinking through the issue.”

Wal-Mart now carries the pill only in Illinois, where it is required to do so under state law. The company has said it “chooses not to carry many products for business reasons,” but has refused to elaborate.

“Business reasons” my butt. Like a few other gutless wonders of American business, Wal-Mart has been caving into threats from the religious wingy-dingys who consider contraception a sin. The only sin here is corporate cowardice.

  1. James says:

    Interesting. People accuse Google of having no moral backbone because it caves to China on the ethical issue of censorship. Then they accuse wal*mart of having no moral backbone when it makes the decision not to sell a product it seems to consider unethical.

    Guess you can’t win.

  2. Milo says:

    James where does Walmart say it doesn’t do this because of ethical issues?

  3. faustus says:

    its just another win-win for walmart.. gets them out from under the threat of religious boycotts and now they will reap the profits from selling the drug. they probably paid off a state official to “force” them to stock the drug. i know thats cynical but thats how business is done now in the good ol’ us of a.

    but a point about yahoo and google made in the first post: if anyone things these companies are the first american companies to go along to play along with china they better look again. the use of what amounts to slave labor over the years has been creating a human rights nightmare the likes of which we have only begun to see effects off. there is a reason china whats to control all info coming and going through china… and you can bet… corporate american is up to its armpits

  4. So that means if I want a store to care product X (assuming product X is legal), I can sue to make them carry product X?

    You know I want the Giant Eagles in this area to carry the cheese only billy boy pizza’s, they don’t it is legal, so I think I find myself a lawyer.

  5. Rube says:

    Businesses should be able to decide which goods and services they are willing to offer, end of story. I hope the Government never forces me to sell something I don’t want to, just because it’s politically correct to do so.

  6. Dvaid says:

    The “morning after pill” isn’t a conceptive, it is an abortifacient.

    Businesses shouldn’t be forced to carry something they find morally reprehensible.

    And, let’s stop blaming EVERYTHING on the religious right, you can be morally ethical without being religious.

  7. moss says:

    Abortifacient, dude? You can be scientifically ignorant without belonging to the religious right, as well.

  8. Rube says:

    @Scott Gant

    Your argument is dopey and dishonest: A business is able to decide which goods and services they offer. Discriminating to whom they offer them is discrimination, and that’s illegal.

  9. to Scott Gant #14, not all that are refusing to fill it, believe it is an abortion pill, a good practicing Roman Catholic have a moral problems with Birth control pills. I am not a RC, I am a Lutheran (LCMS). As to what I believe about the Plan B pill, I don’t know, I am not attacking the bill I am attacking the state by forcing the company to sell something they don’t believe they should sell, as to Birth control, I don’t know if it right or wrong you can see http://blog.mikeoconnor.net/?postid=865 for a post I did in my blog where I go over it and other stuff, And I basically say I don’t know about Birth control (I do make a point to talk about RU-486 the abortion pill where I do say it is wrong since it ends a human life)

  10. faustus says:

    the “morning after pill” is not an abortion pill.. its simply a high dose of the regular drug thats in everyday birth control pills.. whats ironic in the abortion debate is that anit abortionists are against a pill that would prevent abortions.

  11. Scott Gant, I will grant that to you too (also before I continue, if I am the one that gave an indication of calling you a name, I am sorry that was not my intent, but back to my point) if you feel a company should carry something that they don’t (that is legal) then yes go ahead and tell people that you think they are wrong (or you could put an instult here if you want) for not carring it.

  12. This blog is becoming boring, what with all of the serious political talk instigated by Eideard.

  13. Walmart is the store that sells more guns and cig’s than any other store in the world.
    Hey dick got his shot gun thier!

  14. David says:

    @moss apparently you are scientifically ignorant and grammatically ignorant.

    Contraception is to prevent conception. Contra (against) ception (from conception).

    “The morning after pill” is designed “…to end an early pregnancy.” (from FDA’s website). This makes it an abortifacient.

    Please do a little research before you post planned parenthood propaganda.

  15. Pat says:


    What is wrong with Planned Parenthood? Is it because their aim is to educate and you prefer people, especially women, remain ignorant? Would it be because they help out the women the Churches and self-righteous have abandoned? Would it be because they refer women to other places where they might get counseling or help?

    What “propaganda” does Planned Parenthood espouse?

    I couldn’t find your FDA quote. But I did find this one. It is a fact sheet from the FDA Press Office.

    …Oral contraceptives used for this purpose are often
    referred to as the morning after pill.

    Did you take your quote from a submission to the FDA and it wasn’t actually an FDA document?

  16. Pat, I would not care if you had a restaurant and did not want to server Lutherans (LCMS), I just would go else where. I know what you are thinking “oh sure you say that now, but what if it really happened” Well something like that has happened to me. There is a place here in Pittsburgh called Free Ride, it is a bike place, they claim not to discriminate based on race, religion, sexual preference, POLITICAL AFFILATION, etc. I went there a few times, I kept my political mouth shut because of the posters I saw there (very anti-Republican posters), but one day they say me at a Republican even, when they saw that they came up to me and told me “Never to go back to free ride I am unwelcome there” So I have received discrimination by a place of business, I have not filed any law suit, nor will I. I will let my friends know about it and not to go there, but I don’t care that they don’t want to server me because I am a Republican.

  17. David says:


    You sure do make a lot of assumptions.

    The quote is from the drug info sheet.


    Do you know what they say about people who assume?

  18. Brent Wagner says:

    Hey Moss, check this out


    The english language is a marvelous thing. Where is could you find words like sesquipedalian and absquatulate

  19. Scott Gant says:

    David, you REALLY need to learn a little more about the morning after pill…it does NOT end a pregnancy. My God, people out there still think this? It PREVENTS a pregnancy.

    You’re sources at the FDA that you keep citing are NOT for the morning-after-pill. The link you refer to is for Mifepristone…which is RU-486. THAT is the abortion pill. It is NOT the morning-after-pill. You do understand that we’re talking about two different pills don’t you?

    The morning-after-pill…called Plan B or Levonelle, uses the progesterone levonorgestrel in a dose of 1.5 mg, either as two 750 microgram doses 12 hours apart, or more recently, as a single dose. It is NOT Mifepristone…the morning-after-pill is basically a higher concentration of the same ingredient that’s in the birth control pill.

    Look it up. Hell, even go to the FDA website if you want. Or even go to Wikipedia and look up “Emergency contraception” and they’ll explain the differences also.

    Wow, and to think you called someone else scientifically ignorant. Wow, just….wow.

  20. Pat says:


    You are a fool. You do not have your facts right. It appears that Scott is not only correct, but you are WRONG. The link you posted is for Mifprex, also called RU-486. And Yes, RU-486 is an abortion pill. The “Morning After Pill” is, however, NOT. It is the Morning After Pill that is referenced in this blog.

    So if you have a hard time getting your facts straight, I understand. There is no reason though, to not only get your facts wrong, but to insult and cry that someone else is wrong because you don’t like what they said. This just pure hypocrisy and bull crap!

    Now, you never answered what is the problem with Planned Parenthood. And please don’t rely on some blurb from the religious fundamentalists.

  21. Pat says:


    I guess you are another one who is in too much of a closed frame of mind to understand anything. The Morning After Pill IS NOT abortion inducing. It prevents fertilization of the egg, the same as regular birth control drugs do. Now, if you consider this to be an abortion, then you are not only wrong, but maybe you could use a little help in science class.

    Please reference Scott’s post #32. Although I added something later, I give Scott credit for being much better at it then I was. Then you might go and try out your absquatulation techniques.

  22. Scott Gant says:

    Yes David…you’re comment about “the morning after pill” prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus” is where all the controversy lies. It’s splitting hairs. Some people think life begins at fertilization, other think it’s when it’s actually in the womb. I suppose that’s a matter of opinion on where the morning-after-pill fits into all this, as it’s only use is in the first 72 hours…to prevent the egg from attaching to the uterus. You think that preventing that is abortion….while I believe it’s after it’s already attached to the uterus and THEN removed that constitutes abortion. Who’s right and who’s wrong? You say you’re right, I say I’m right. It all comes down I suppose on when you think life starts. In that case, the regular birth control pill itself can be seen as an abortion inducing drug…something I’m sure some people would agree with. I’m not one of them.

    Sorry you feel you’re arguing with children, but you’re the one that confused RU-486 with the morning-after-pill….even giving an erroneous link to the FDA about RU-486…which isn’t even the subject of what we’re talking about. It was obvious you had the two drugs confused and then you try to backpedal. I guess it is best you don’t comment anymore because you’re digging yourself deeper every time you do.

  23. Pat says:

    The “morning after pill” isn’t a conceptive, it is an abortifacient. …

    Comment by Dvaid — 2/15/2006 @ 10:39 am

    And by your say so it becomes one? There is actually no argument that it is not a “conceptive”, which means the ability to conceive

    @moss apparently you are scientifically ignorant and grammatically ignorant.

    Contraception is to prevent conception. Contra (against) ception (from conception).

    “The morning after pill” is designed “…to end an early pregnancy.” (from FDA’s website). This makes it an abortifacient.

    Please do a little research before you post planned parenthood propaganda.

    Comment by David — 2/15/2006 @ 6:56 pm

    A bit of research was done. Apparently not by you though. You can’t provide a link to your quote, because I suspect, it isn’t a valid FDA quote. The word “conception comes from the latin conceptus meaning to conceive, as in a child. You still haven’t stated what propaganda Planned Parenthood does.


    You sure do make a lot of assumptions.

    The quote is from the drug info sheet.


    Do you know what they say about people who assume?

    Comment by David — 2/15/2006 @ 8:03 pm

    Which is not the morning after pill. I think you made the false assumption on this.

    You can always tell when someone is on the wrong side of an argument by they lengthy response and name calling. …

    Comment by David — 2/16/2006 @ 8:35 am

    And the avoidance of the truth. Good bye.

  24. ken says:

    Love You John…but you’re a liberal apologist.

    Why are not criticizing Walmart for caving to government demands on what products it stocks. Would you object if a store refused to stock Pr0n? Oh wait…you would….

    Never mind….

  25. woktiny says:

    its amazing how quickly an off-hand remark about religion can start such a passionate debate^wdiscussion… even to speculate about Wal-marts reasons… if they bend one way, they give into religions radicals, and if the bend the other way, they give into political radicals.

    People are influenced, by who varies invariably.

  26. Tabatha says:

    This is unbelievable: out of 26+ comments, it appears that the majority of from men. The last time I checked it was the woman that conceives the child, carries the child in her body for 9 months, is subjected to painful childbirth, and generally is the primary care giver of the child, yet it is men that are commenting on a woman’s health issue. Emergency conceptive, or erroneously referred to as ‘the morning after pill’, is in fact a method of preventative conception. It prevents an egg from becoming fertilized; therefore, there is no embryo to abort. Did you know that sperm stays in a woman’s fallopian tubes until an egg is released for several days? A woman’s use of ’emergency conceptive’ medications prevents the release of the egg. In the last several years, since the availibiltiy of ’emergency conceptive’ in the US, abortions have decreased dramatically. If emergency conceptive medications are immoral, then so are the pill, IUD, condoms, tubal ligations, sponges, spermicides, and every other method being used by the mass majority of our population. Get the facts and men need to stay out of issues that do not involve their bodies or lives.

  27. The things you are saying corresponds completely to the matter!


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