I just missed killing him by this much…

The Australian: Cheney not licensed to shoot birds (or friends) [February 15, 2006] — Cheater. Maybe he didn’t have enough assistants to do this simple chore. Or felt it was beneath him.

DALLAS: Vice-President Dick Cheney’s office sent a $US7 ($9.50) cheque to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on Monday after it emerged he was hunting illegally when he accidentally shot a fellow hunter.

Both Mr Cheney and the man he shot in the face, neck and chest on Saturday, Texan lawyer Harry Whittington, 78, had been hunting quail without the $US7 game bird stamps on their licences.

The two men, who had valid hunting licences, were issued warning citations, but there will be no fine or other penalty.

found by Phil Parker

  1. Gunnar says:

    I guess power makes the man cocky. If that was me they would have me in jail for poaching.

  2. cheese says:

    It’s time to simplify the process! Try buying a fishing license and all the stamps/permits needed just to fish in Michigan. It’s not simple. In addition, you need to be a lawyer to understand all the rules. For instance, some species are legal to catch if longer than 15″, shorter than 20″, or longer than 35″, when caught in certain zones during certain times of the year. In other zones, the rules are different. This was clearly written by a legal team. It takes all the fun out of fishing.

    I hear hunting licenses are just as complicated, so I’m not surprised. The irony of this is these guys are in a position to simplify this, so I’m glad when people in a position of influencing lawmakers get to “eat their own dog food” now and then.

  3. Zuke says:

    Man, I love listening to Dvorak on TWIT talking tech, but some days this site really feels like a liberal propaganda site, especially with the snide captions. The slant is so one-sided that it makes visiting unenjoyable sometimes. I’d much rather see both conservatives AND liberals getting poked fun at, just to make a point of how ridiculous both sides seem at times.

    On a lighter note, at least the Dems are getting some sick satisfaction out of an unfortunate hunting accident. I guess ever cloud DOES have a silver lining?

  4. Mr. Jonny Pantz says:

    Oh come on, what’s the big deal? I can’t believe this is getting as much attention as it has.

  5. Kent Goldings says:

    No problems here. He didn’t shoot any birds.

  6. Shane B says:

    Name the poor schmuck who got life for stealing bread, and you’ll probably be naming someone with a long arrest record.

    No one goes to jail for not having a 7 dollar stamp. They pay for it or a small fine and move on with their life. I’m not sure what you want Cheney to do to show “personal responsibility”

    I’m still not sure why a hunting accident is still a news story 3 days later. Let’s move on to more important things, ok?

  7. Ivor Biggun says:

    First off, Dick Cheney is from my former home state of Wyoming, so he knows how to handle a gun.

    Secondly, the most likely reason the news didn’t get out until Sunday was that Cheney was embarrassed!

    Natually, the commie-libs couldn’t possibly accept that, but it’s true. Note that Cheney slipped out of a cabinet meeting early yesterday before the reporters got there. He just doesn’t want to answer how/why he shot his friend any more than any other hunter would if the same thing happened. If they would have caught this on video, they could have won $10,000.

    Sorry to inform you enemies of the White House of this, but Cheney is human…

  8. natefrog says:

    Zuke: Last I checked, this is John’s personal website, which means he can post whatever the hell he wants without worrying about you getting offended at the so-called “liberal propaganda.” If he’s happy with it, why should he have to censor or balance his political views and what he (and others) post here? Doesn’t your browser window have a “close” button?

    An unbiased media can be a dangerous thing. In their quest to be fair and unbiased, they have gone as far as self-censoring themselves and misrepresenting the truth. Being “unbiased” now means giving equal time to opposing viewpoints–even if they have no scientific or factual merit…

  9. Scott says:

    But Mr. Cheney didn’t shoot bird he shot Harry Whittington. So Mr. Cheney needs to get a lawyer stamp; And if he does I wan’t one. The Lawyer numbers definatly need to be thinned. 🙂

  10. Don says:

    “Cheney is human…”

    Prove it.

  11. Pat says:

    Cheney CAUSED a hunting injury. It was not an accident. It was negligence, pure and simple. The shooter is always responsible for what he hits. If the victim dies because of his injuries, I will bet that Cheney is not charged.

    He / his office did not report the incident to the media, the ranch owner did. When asked about this, Cheney said he had discussed it with the Ranch owner. The ranch owner said they didn’t discuss it.

    Regardless of whether it was a $7 stamp, not having it made it illegal to hunt. So he was already breaking the law. But then, Cheney has stayed out of trouble since those two DUIs. Sometimes it pays to be a Republican.

    And that Big White Game Hunter, Dick Cheney, has to go to a stocked hunting ranch because he just can’t get them on his own. There is the possibility that Wittington was actually holding the bird so Cheney could hit it.

  12. Gerry Rivers says:

    OMG, you folks have uncovered it. Cheney is EVIL I tell you, EVIL! In fact, he really ISN’T human! Curses, discovered again! He’s a cyborg, created by Newt Gingrich and James Dobson. Programmed to destroy all that is holy in the liberal world, he has no feelings, no ethics, and no guilt. He is personally plugged into each and every American’s phone calls, eMails and faxes and takes extensive notes on the life of each and every decent peace loving American. Damn, you people somehow know that the shooting was intentional. The lawyer was going to talk! A malfunction in his subroutine caused him to miss.

    You are hereby warned not to make him mad. You remember what Godzilla did to Tokyo, don’t you?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    It was Newt ? Darn, I was under the impression it was created by Henry Hyde.

  14. Where can I get a permit to hunt lawyers? If it’s also only 7 dollars, I’ll buy 10 and round up a posse.


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