The bird shot moved just this much, that’s all…

Hunter shot by Cheney has heart attack — Geez. I thought this guy was ready to go home. Now apparently the bird shot is moving around his body mysteriously.

This story is just getting better.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The 78-year-old lawyer who was shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a hunting accident has some birdshot lodged in his heart and he had a “minor heart attack,” a hospital official said Tuesday.

Peter Banko, the hospital administrator at Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial, said Harry Whittington had the heart attack early Tuesday while being evaluated.

He said there was an irregularity in the heartbeat caused by a birdshot pellet, and doctors performed a cardiac catheterization. Whittington expressed a desire to leave the hospital, but Banko said he would probably stay for another week.

  1. Eideard says:

    Folks don’t realize what a foreign object in your body can do. I’ve known veterans of WW2 who had a piece of shrapnel emerge from their body after 50 years or more. I knew 1 vet who died when a piece of shrapnel he picked up at the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945 nicked an artery — a half-century later.

  2. Zuke says:

    “This story is just getting better.”

    Not cool. :\

    p.s. Did you just censor the 1st post by the guy who said he was “out” because of too much hate and too little tech on this site? It was there like 3 mins ago and now it’s gone. I wonder if this one will post/stay.

  3. Incognito says:

    Its just a “Minor” heart attack.

    LOL. Anythin foreign object hitting your heart isn’t minor. The ridiculous coverup continues.

  4. Incognito says:

    Zuke quit complaining for the 2nd or 3rd time about that. For God’s sake he said it in Twit 16 or 18 “The blog is about political incompetence, technology, and weird things.” Exactly what the site is about.

    He didn’t stealth it on you. Quit acting like you’re paying per post.

  5. Roc Rizzo says:

    So the $64 question is, if this guy dies, is it accidental homocide?
    If so, what will they give Cheney, another warning?

    I guarantee that if it was me or you who accidentally shot someone, we would get locked up, and Dick will go Scot free.

  6. gquaglia says:

    Zuke I agree with you. When I first started coming to this blog it was never like this. It has pretty much turned into a Bush, Federal Goverment and Law Enforcement bash site. The majority of posters here are die hard liberal idologs and U.S. haters. I stay to offer my more center view whenever possible and for the occassional tech or offbeat news that this blog used to be so great for.

  7. nick says:

    Did I miss it on this site or is the Al Gore taking Saudi Dollars to trash America not a bigger story than this?

  8. Rick says:

    Sounds like a lot of you need to read something else. There is plenty of well placed “tech” here and, thank GOD, not only that. I live quite a nerdy enough life as it is, I think (gasp) I can stretch outside that comfort zone to read a friggin’ goofy story or two.

    Dvorak: do what you do and those who like it can be called “fans” and the rest can be found reading something else. It isn’t much more complicated than that guys.

  9. Brenda Helverson says:

    A doctor posted a story on kos about a kid who lost a foot after the bird shot entered his bloodstream and blocked a major artery. It appears that this may have happened to poor Mr. Whittington, and he may not yet be out of the woods.

    As far as I am concerned, bash bush all you want. I’m in!

  10. gquaglia says:

    “Did I miss it on this site or is the Al Gore taking Saudi Dollars to trash America not a bigger story than this?”

    Ofcourse it is. Read my comment #6 for the reason for it.

  11. Awh what a boring country this would be with out good old Dick and Bush!

  12. J. Cottrell says:

    well gquaglia,

    It all depends. Does the Al Gore story have any ammo for bashing Bush?

    By the way, where is the link? What kinda blogger are you????

  13. malren says:

    HYSTERICAL! LET’S ALL LAUGH AT A MAN’S HEART ATTACK! Good God man, taking pleasure in hearing that the man got worse, John? Really, that’s your new low? That’s the kind of person you want to be now?

  14. moss says:

    gq — I don’t know if the Comment Guidelines including “boring defense of even more boring politicians” as a negative — but, if John added it, you’d probably be history, dude.

  15. J. Cottrell says:

    Malren, I agree with you. IT is not right to make fun of a man who is suffereing. But then again, he IS Dick’s friend, so doesn’t he kinda have it coming? The price for joining the dark side…

  16. Rick says:

    I’m pretty sure the joke/laughing-at has nothing to do with a man’s heart attack or his being shot in the has to do with the political bumbling as seen through this story’s revelation…

  17. Mike Novick says:

    Does the Al Gore story have any ammo for bashing Bush?

    Of course. Gore said Bush needed to be nicer to the Saudis. Hasn’t he seen Fahrenheit 9/11?

  18. gquaglia says:

    By the way, where is the link? What kinda blogger are you????

    Wrong person #7 posted the Gore comment, I just added to it.

  19. moss says:

    gq — I apologize for being TOO grumpy. A little grumpy goes a long way. It was either Benjamin Franklin or Jules Feiffer said that.

  20. Mike Voice says:

    And those who think John’s “just keeps getting better” comment is insensitive must really love the White House’s current behavior:

    Feb 14, 4:24 PM EST

    White House Finds Humor in Hunting Mishap

    Associated Press Writer


    WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House has decided that the best way to deal with Vice President Dick Cheney’s shooting accident is to joke about it.

    President Bush’s spokesman quipped Tuesday that the burnt orange school colors of the University of Texas championship football team that was visiting the White House shouldn’t be confused for hunter’s safety wear.

    “The orange that they’re wearing is not because they’re concerned that the vice president may be there,” joked White House press secretary Scott McClellan, following the lead of late-night television comedians. “That’s why I’m wearing it.”

    The president’s brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, took a similar jab after slapping an orange sticker on his chest from the Florida Farm Bureau that read, “No Farmers, No Food.”

    “I’m a little concerned that Dick Cheney is going to walk in,” the governor cracked during an appearance in Tampa Monday.

  21. J. Cottrell says:

    Ooops, sorry gq

  22. Adam says:

    … more importantly, does anyone know why this is getting so much attention? I don’t get it.

  23. William Wise says:

    When I was taught to hunt it was always impressed upon me that I was ultimately responsible for clearly identifying my target before pulling the trigger.

    See the NRA Gun Safety Rules at:

    “Know your target and what is beyond.
    Be absolutely sure you have identified your target beyond any doubt. Equally important, be aware of the area beyond your target. This means observing your prospective area of fire before you shoot. Never fire in a direction in which there are people or any other potential for mishap. Think first. Shoot second.”


  24. Awake says:

    22 – Simple… if there was any feeling at all that the VP is sorry that it happened, he certainy has hidden it well. Instead, the initial response was “It was the other guys fault.”
    Interesting details:
    – The owner of the ranch is an ex-director of (drumroll please)… Haliburton!
    – The guy that wa shot was wearing (drumroll)… Orange.
    – The big white macho hunter with his bad-boy shotgun was shooting at birds that were relaesed next to the road, had been raised in pens, and were basically cowering in confusion at their new unknown environment. You can actually walk up to the birds and they won’t flee… you have to actively scare them to get them to fly, often with clipped wings. Shameful beyond belief… not hunting, just killing for killing sake.

    I have absolutely no respect for these people in the White House… none at all. The more they do, the less worthy they prove to be as leaders of this country. remeber, during Katrina, one of them was playing air guitar, the other was shopping for a house, the next one was buying new shoes for the evening show, and the appointees were cluelessly expecting each other to do something. How can anyone have any respoct for the people in our government?

  25. ))))))))))JD—SADAMS always good for laughs((((((((((


  26. Incognito says:

    The hippee effect::

    See this is why America got screwed up around the 60’s.

    People’s feelings are more important than the fact that a man got shot in the head and chest.

    “No you can’t feel that way. What a terrible blogger you are.”

    How hard is it not to put in your browser.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    For those that don’t get it, Cheney, the Vice President shot a man.

    No, it was not an accident. It was negligence on Cheney’s part. Besides the shooting, there appeared to be an attempt to cover it up hoping that no one would notice. Add to this, Cheney did not have the requisite license to hunt quail in Texas. I don’t know about Texas, but if Wittington dies because of the gun shot, it would qualify as Involuntary Manslaughter in most jurisdictions.

    Being the Vice President, he is an extremely important man. Almost anything he does is news worthy. Being only the second Vice President in history to have shot a man, (Aaron Burr was the first) is news worthy in itself.

    The fact that the victim had a heart attack is not funny. I have seen no one on this post making jokes about a heart attack. If anything, it appears that the Bush cronies are making light about it.

  28. Emery Jeffreys says:

    When somebody gets shot, it’s worthy of a little news. When the vice president of the U.S. shoots somebody, it’s a big deal — even if it is an accident. When officials are involved, there is always an opportunity for a coverup regardless of party.

    It doesn’t make a damn to me what party Dead-Eye Dick is a member of. If he is an elected official he owes a public explanation.

    The constitution says we are innocent until proven guilty. When it comes to public officials, it must be the other way around. The vice president of the U.S. must be held to a higher standard than a mere citizen.

    A few people of have questioned why it is a such a big deal. It’s only the second time in U.S. history that a vice president shot somebody. Remember Aarom Burr and Alexander Hamilton.

    Guess what happens if the vice president of some MIddle East country shoots a citizen? I doubt if you would even have a chance to know about it. God forbid if you draw a cartoon about it. they don;t even need secret executive orders.

    This is John’s blog and he can say what he likes. The first amendment gives him the right to express his opinion even if you find it distasteful. If you don’t like it, read somebody else’s blog. You are probalby too think skinned to get much out of this blog. The first amendment gives you the right to disagree. Notice that the first amendment says nothing about taste. A little gallows humor never hurt a public official. The only good thing about the whole deal is that one lawyer shot another lawyer.

    Who cares about Al Gore’s issue with the Saudis. That’s another story. This is about the vice president of the U.S. shooting a hunting buddy.

    The Bush administration has done an A number one job of screwing up good PR opportunities. Of course this is a perfect PR opportunity for the Democrats.

    Let’s sit back and see how well they screw it up. This is Amerika.

  29. Emery Jeffreys says:

    Oh I forgot: Gun control is using both hands. I guess Dead-Eye Dick was using both hands with his fancy Italian 28-guage shotgun that is worth more than my car.

    Another myth laid to rest. Oh wait a minute. That was insensitive of me to use that phrase.

  30. doug says:

    so Al Gore says some stupid things while in Saudi Arabia, and this gets the Fox News contingent’s ire up. this is supposed to be bigger news than the Vice President negligently shooting someone in the face with a shotgun?

    What I am waiting for is some whacko member of the House of Representatives to be out there with a shotgun and some watermelons, reenacting the shooting just like Dan Burton did with Vince Foster’s suicide.


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