Don’t let him show you his “Jack Daniels.”

  1. RTaylor says:

    Is he packing a pint, fifth or half gallon?

  2. J. Cottrell says:

    We all know John’s a big tech geek, but does he have to share ALL of his fetishes with us?

  3. Andy says:

    Version 2.0? I didn’t know that there was a sexbot version 1

  4. RTaylor says:

    I don’t know if I would call John a geek. The fetish for technology seems to annoy him. I would think he was the best tool for the job sort of chap. I would gladly stand corrected if he choose to comment. He would probably think the average geek wouldn’t know a good Washington State Merlot vintage if it struck him on the head. 🙂

  5. Raff says:

    Pan handlers around here (oregon) and washington are enough to drive you nuts.. At least this one is amusing.. I always thougth I’d mix it up if I was a panhandler and make a big face and cut out the mouth write some silly slogan and give a target for people to throw loose change at..

    I’d be more apt to part with my spare change for at least a little entertainment.

    Data aint got nothing on that guy,,

  6. Richard Brill says:

    Send it back to MIT for a Rod!

  7. site admin says:

    Hey, I know plenty of good Washington State Merlots from Leonetti on down. Nowadays they are over-priced.

  8. lars says:

    The only question is… is it freeware, shareware, or open source?

  9. Roc Rizzo says:

    Sounds more like open SORES rather than source to me!

  10. Lars,
    That robot masks as freeware but its obvious hes a worm infecting virius.
    The female robotos as a rule run open source. The trick is manipulating the code.


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