Nokia 6136

Nokia is introducing new mobile phone handsets that will enable users to make calls over the internet.

The latest firm to move into internet telephony, users of certain new Nokia handsets will be able to make calls through their wireless broadband link.

The calls will be routed through their net link if their phone is in range. Outside of this the handset will return to the standard mobile phone network.

Yet while Nokia and its rivals unveil their newest models and services, some analysts continue to maintain that users remain unconvinced by the latest 3G phone services, such as videos on your handset.

At the same gathering, the 3GSM Congress, BT, Virgin and Microsoft announced an alliance to promote cell-TV.

My own [wholly subjective] response, is that people carrying a phone around with them will welcome more — and cheaper — opportunities to make phone calls. I’m not certain about entertaining yourself on a screen smaller than an iPod.

  1. Mr Mustard says:

    My own opinion on the matter is that cell phone companies should concentrate FIRST on making a cell phone system that doesn’t drop calls, crackle out, “fail” calls, and generally suck. I would get rid of my landline in a heartbeat, but there’s no decent cell service to replace it with (and I live in a major metropolitan area). Lots of games, address books, calculator, calendar, voice recording, still and video capabilities, GPS, internet browsing, blah blah blah, and blah.

    I still have to walk around my living room looking for a spot with a decent signal to make or receive a call on my cell phone, though.

    No, I can’t hear you now.

  2. Eideard says:

    Some mobile phone sites [phew!] think it unlikely this critter will make it to the States in the forseeable future.

    Orange looks to be the 1st Euro carrier lined up by Nokia.

  3. Pat says:

    The only time I can see the TV being used is if there is another tragic event like 9/11 or Oklahoma. People are so frightened, curious, and need to know that they would watch their phones, even with the rest of the office standing behind them.

  4. Craig says:

    WOW! The latest snazzy cutting-edge gotta-have feature on your phone is that (brace yourself) — YOU CAN MAKE A PHONE CALL!

    It’s all just so odd, isn’t it?


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