The Crock Plot: We Are All Danes Novelist Lewis Perdue posted this on his Crockpot blog. In an email note to me he gives me a little backgrounder: “If you remember some WWII history, back when the Nazis occupied Denmark, they required all Jews to wear a Star of David so they could efficiently be shipped off to death camkps.

“The reaction of the Danes was for nearly every man, woman and child — Jew and gentile — to begin wearing a Star. The Nazis could not figure who to load on the cattle cars … and thus virtually no one was shipped out.

“That is the inspiration for the We Are All Danes on my blog.”

I am also very upset with the media as a whole, the ACLU and other “progressive” organizations which feel free to allow, protect and fight for hateful speech and disrespectful behavior when it comes to Jews and Christians, but who are silent now.

Newspapers seem content to allow their “arts” sections to publish articles and pictures ridiculing Christianity and Judaism. The treatment of The Passion of the Christ is a fine example. While I thought that was so bloody and violent that it was religious porn, (an opinion one may disagree with) I support the right of Mel Gibson to make it and the right of his detractors to disrespect it.

But when fear and political correctness come into the picture, those who scream most boldly about freedom of speech — The ACLU and the media — run for cover.

The real point here is that the entire country and citizenry of Denmark are now in the sights of radical Muslims who are demanding official apologies from people who had nothing really to do with those cartoons. Perdue thinks everyone should fly the Danish flag as a protest.

related links
Danish flags

  1. Tyler says:

    Is the free press to bow down to people who riot at the drop of a hat? They initiate a catastrophic attack on American soil and now liberals make them out to be the victims.

    People rioting over cartoons. This is the most ridiculous story ever told in the history of mankind. This is the mentality of the Muslim world? What children.

    I think they would all mellow out if they would all just have a drink.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    People rioting over cartoons. This is the most ridiculous story ever told in the history of mankind.

    What really makes it ridiculous is the thought that most of those rioting have probably not seen the cartoons.

    This is the mentality of the Muslim world?

    No, just the shit-heads within that world. Every group has it’s percentage of shit-heads. 🙁

  3. simran says:

    Please, I know this is hard for everybody, but it isn’t every muslim who’s reacting like this. Please read this post: I’m irreligious. Again, it’s not musilms. I’m not muslim and neither is my family, but please think before you generalise. I agree with all Danes movement though. It’s a step on the right path.

  4. simran says:

    “No, just the shit-heads within that world. Every group has it’s percentage of shit-heads”
    you got that right Mike!

  5. Ruvym says:

    The problem is the extremist elements that exist within the Arab populations. Unfortunately, a lot of uneducated people are easily manipulated for purposes they don’t even fully understand. What bothers me is that there are millions of people in this world ready to do what someone tells them because they don’t know any better. How many of those rioters do you think actually saw the cartoons? How many of them know in what context they were placed (i.e. in an article about how difficult it is to draw Mohammed without getting a backlash for it)? The problem is not “the Muslims.” The problem is the ignorance that exists in much of the developing world.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Remind me of just how well you would have been treated in publicly ridiculing Jesus Christ in Europe during the !7th Century. Some cultures can only see in absolutes. Many in these mobs didn’t have the opportunity for an enlightened education and broad exposure to other cultures. Hate remarks only confirm fears and suspicions. These peoples are human first, their faith is layered upon that. Many of these people are being used in a broader struggle. Powerful Islamic leaders will not stop until they have the world divided, and all Western influence out of their sphere for good.

  7. Pat says:

    I’m a Dane too.

  8. Emery Jeffreys says:

    While I feel bad for the Danes, at least the U.S. is getting a break from the heat while the Danes have their turn in the barrel. Who will be next.

  9. doug says:

    Emery – I have seen a few US flags being burned in the protests, so Americans aren’t totally off the hook. Evidently, the all-powerful US is even behind cartoons in a Danish newspaper. The head mullah in Iran even said that the cartoons were retaliation for the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections. Another interesting leap of logic, since they were published in September of last year.

    And I’m a Dane, to the end.

  10. KB says:

    “I am Spartacus.”

  11. site admin says:

    Gratuitous cursing is going to get pulled when I see it.

  12. TJF says:

    ACLU stands for American Civil Liberties Union. . . No American Civil Liberties are being threatened by these goof balls and thusly the ACLU is silent. However if this is all it takes to throw these countries into convulsions, perhaps we should just round robin printing cartoons and throw thier economies and societies into turmoil, at least they will not be spending time creating WMDs. . . Not that that will prevent us from looking for them

  13. Dave Drews says:

    This is ridiculous. The analogy is completely wrong. By proclaiming themselves all Jews, the Nazis didn’t know who to kill so they left the Danes alone. The radiacal Muslems don’t care about fine distinctions. They see all the West as at fault. If the Nazis were like these Muslems, they would have killed all the Danes so as to be sure to get all the Jews. Or more to the point, if you weren’t a Nazi, you were a Jew or as bad as one and must die.

  14. Pat says:

    But when fear and political correctness come into the picture, those who scream most boldly about freedom of speech — The ACLU and the media — run for cover.

    The word for that is “hypocrite.” Coward comes to mind as well.

    …And if you cannot fight for the rights of all expression, then you stand for no freedom at all.

    I should say in fairness, Lewis Perdue is a hypocritical asshole. He is critisizing the ACLU and media for, what? Running for cover? Maybe he could provide an example of where they are running for cover, or avoiding the issue.

    EVERY major media outlet in the world has reported this story in depth. Is it because they chose NOT to print the pictures? What? The exercise of Freedom of the Press is now hypocritical? Is it because some may have editorialized constraint instead of revenge? Is it because not every media outlet has not published what Perdue thinks they should?

    The ACLU is not ducking this issue. I have no idea what Perdue thinks the ACLU should do. If I recall, the ACLU stood up for the KKK when they wanted a parade permit in Illinois. They also stood up beside Rush Limbaugh when the government wanted to see his medical files. The ACLU deals with American Civil Liberties and the Constitution of the United States. It does not deal with Denmark or Iran. A Freedom of Speech issue in Denmark, Syria, or Iraq has as much to do with our Constitution as what Perdue’s comments do with reality.

    But I am still for the Danes.

  15. A says:

    “The reaction of the Danes was for nearly every man, woman and child — Jew and gentile — to begin wearing a Star. The Nazis could not figure who to load on the cattle cars … and thus virtually no one was shipped out.”

    Er… that’s just a legend, none of this happened (and couldn’t – (1) such open mass disobedience would’ve equalled uprising against the occupation, which was out of question at the time (2) if it would be so easy to hide Jews by wearing signs together with them, Jews all over Europe could have saved themselves by NOT wearing such sign. C’mon, is it really hard to guess Jewish nationality by facial traits, in most cases?).

    Denmark did have a huge operation hiding thousands of Jews in Danish homes. Nothing that wasn’t done elsewhere, but the scale is impressive.

  16. Milo says:

    Interesting fact about this story I found the other day. These cartoons were published in a newspaper in Egypt back in October and there were no protests then and no proposed boycotts now against Egypt. This newspaper apparently has a wide circulation in Egypt. Also this occurred during Ramadan so there was plenty of time for Muslims to read the paper.

  17. Mike Voice says:

    Gratuitous cursing is going to get pulled when I see it.

    As it should be. It’s your site, run it as you see fit.

    I almost self-censored my post [#2], but thought I would leave it for you to decide if it was acceptable.

  18. randmeister says:

    RTaylor’s comment could also be written as:

    Reminds me of just how well you would have been treated in America during the past 6 years by declining to publicly advocate for Jesus Christ. … Many of these people are being used in a broader struggle. Powerful ultra-conservative leaders will not stop until they have divided the country, and all secular influence out of their sphere for good.

    and related to Pat’s comment:

    The Israelites’ biblical conquests, The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem Witch trials, numerous native peoples, Ireland’s Troubles, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Palestinian conflict … all will be remembered as the work of religious nuts trying to justify their actions by invoking the blessing of whatever god they believe in. Add to the list the potential for pan-Islamic warfare around the world, the upcoming exchange of n-b-c weapons by Israel and Iran, and the gathering forces that point toward a religious/secular civil war in this country. The conflict with China over oil and superpower status may be very one-sided when it actually happens.

  19. ckrantz says:

    The cartoon conflict is just the excuse for deeper conflicts that don’t seem to get reported much. 3 or 4 violent incidents with a couple of hundred people involved don’t make a war of civilizations unless people want to make it so. Of course if every muslim is a potential terrorist or islamofascist or westerner an occupier or oppressor the cartoons make sense.

    To make the whole thing an issue of freedom of expression is ignorant at best. There are no such thing as absolute freedom of expression. If the cartoons been antisemitic or racial would they have been published?

    In Denmark as in many other countries in Europe there is a huge divisions when it comes to the role of islam and muslims. A large groups of danes would simply like to kick all muslims out ot the country
    or make sure they adopt the right danish values.

    It’s hardly a coincidence that the same editor who published the cartoons also published articles like these about Daniel Pipes.

  20. James Hill says:

    The only thing better than liberal kooks is end-of-American-power kooks.

  21. Frank Baird says:

    Yes, Christians did the same kind of thing in the Middle Ages, but not today. That’s the whole point. The Islamists (who are different from “all Muslims”) want to keep their world in the Middle Ages and drag the remainder of the world back into it. While disingenuous people want to pretend that the Christians are trying to recreate the Crusades in Iraq and elsewhere, the truth is that the US and other nations really want to get out of countries like Iraq and Bosnia, while leaving in place a peaceful self-governing nation. The Islamists in contrast, would be more than happy to utterly destroy every non-Muslim country and kill every non-Muslim on the planet, if they could.

    I think Lewis Perdue is right on the money. It sickens me to see the hypocrisy of those that champion freedom of speech and press while they attack those that won’t attack back (the Christians and Jews) and then cower in fear when confronted by the Muslims. We are either going to stop this nonsense, or be consumed by it, because the Islamists refuse to relent. Unless the Western World stands up and says, “We are all Danes”, we won’t be saying anything beyond “Allah Akbar”, if the Islamists are allowed to continue their campaign of fear and hate.

  22. Pat says:


    You make a good point. It sickens me too when I see those who believe that the right wing, neo-con, Christians are always right and incapable of ever making a mistake. In my post above I outlined several instances where through history Christians have been giving it to others and almost always winning. Yes, some like Custer and Gorden lost, but in most cases the Christians won.

    Did you forget why we stopped Serbia from massacring the Kosovos not ten years ago? Did you forget the mass graves found later?

    But I don’t understand your hero worship of Perdue. It is easy to scream condemnations, but lets have some facts. What is he talking about the western media is being hypocritical? This has been front page news in every daily publication in the world!!! It has not been relegated to the inner pages.

    What has the ACLU done? Foreign affairs is not their cause. Why don’t you condemn the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals? I haven’t heard them say anything either. Or the National Rifle Association; they have been pretty mute too. Has the Elks said anything? I have no idea where Tom Delay’s Political Action Committee stands on this. Anyone know what the American Association of Retired People has done about cartoonists? Have you checked with the American Association of Police Chiefs for a comment?

    And Frank. Maybe you could enlighten us. Who is hiding in fear? We have nothing to fear except fear itself. Rabid screaming about “Islam is taking over the world” will not solve anything. It was hysteria like that that convinced us that invading Iraq was a good thing. Maybe you still think it is a good idea, but most enlightened people don’t.

    The hypocrisy is in those who insist on calling others names, because they can not find anything to back up their own argument.

  23. Smith says:

    Pat —

    “I should say in fairness, Lewis Perdue is a hypocritical asshole.”

    “It sickens me too when I see those who believe that the right wing, neo-con, Christians are always right and incapable of ever making a mistake.”

    “Maybe you still think it is a good idea, but most enlightened people don’t.”

    “The hypocrisy is in those who insist on calling others names, because they can not find anything to back up their own argument.”

    Do you even have a clue at how childish you appear?

  24. Mikkelsen says:


    Being a dane I realy think this has gotten out of hand, I’m living in a small Country, we are omly 5 million people, However I think this issue i NOT about the stupid Cartoons, published by Jyllands-posten any more. It’s about democracy Vs. dictatorship, none in the muslim world understand that the Danish Goverment has NO saying of what the newspapers print !

    Living in a Democracy you are ALWAYS challenged, as it should be. Now the “democratic” regime of IRAN wants to tell us how to live our lives ………

    So to the people that got offended by the Drawings in the Danish newspaper, i fully understand You – but don’t judge a whole country by what is being published in a single newspaper, so please GROW UP !

    I also want to thank the US for supporting us in this matter.

  25. Frank Baird says:

    “Did you forget why we stopped Serbia from massacring the Kosovos not ten years ago? Did you forget the mass graves found later?”

    I did not at all forget this. But if we wish to categorize the Serbs as “Christians”, note that the Islamists categorize the US as “Christians” as well. Following this nomenclature, Christians stopped other Christians from genocide against Moslems. This just reinforces my point that, in general at least, Christians have moved away from the idea that the entire planet must believe as they do or die, in contrast to the Islamists.

    “your hero worship of Perdue”

    That’s overstating the case. I agreed with him.

    “What is he talking about the western media is being hypocritical?”

    I explained the hypocrisy I am referring to in my post. I have seen it for quite some time. It is easy to shout “freedom” when you know you won’t be attacked in retaliation.

    “…lets have some facts. ” “Who is hiding in fear?”

    One way the media is not responding properly is to wrongly characterize what’s going on. They seem to now want to inflame the protesters. For example, they keep referring to the “satirical” cartoon. I see no satire at all. The cartoon is saying that Muslim world is becoming synonymous with terrorism. Sadly, that is the truth, and the very people yelling the loudest about it are the ones doing the most to reinforce it (in particular Syria and Iran).

    Then the media tells us that Islam forbids images of Mohammed. A recent opinion piece in the WSJ showed that nothing could be further from the truth. That piece was loaded with facts and may be found at

    The media should just stand up and say that the rioters have no justification whatsoever for their actions. There is no reason to apologize at all.

    “Rabid screaming about “Islam is taking over the world” will not solve anything.”

    I didn’t say Islam is taking over the world. I said that is what the Islamists want. I said we need to stand up against them, and if we don’t they will overrun us. The very worst thing we can do while fighting Islamism is to back down.

  26. Frank Baird says:

    For some reason the link given above didn’t come out right. Let’s try again.

    Bonfire of the Pieties

  27. Lewis Perdue says:

    Yes, the media SHOULD stand up … sadly they are not.

    But as indivduals, we can fly the Danish flag on our sites and blogs and buy Danish products — a sort of reverse boycott.


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