Indicted former top White House aide I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby will argue that Vice President Dick Cheney authorized him to leak classified information in 2003 to bolster the case for the US-led war against Iraq, US news media reports.

Libby, who has been charged in a federal investigation into the outing of a CIA agent, will in part base his defense on the claim that Cheney had encouraged him to share classified information with reporters, NBC television news said, citing sources familiar with the case.

Gee, I wonder if anyone told Dick Cheney it was OK to tell Scooter Libby it was OK?

  1. faroff says:

    Just another instance when the liberal media reports something as truth before they have all the facts. I mean it must be truth as long as it in some way shape or form is bad for the current administration right?

    “A legal source involved in the case tells CNN that Libby did not testify to and has never suggested that anyone in the administration — including Cheney — authorized disclosing the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame.”

  2. Jim says:

    How quickly the right forgets how the press reported nothing but Clinton’s sex scandal for months.

  3. James Hill says:

    Will be interesting if Libby comes out against Cheney, since he’s already made statements to the contrary.

    That makes the right’s job easy: Paint Libby as a liar, and move on.

  4. dawn says:

    Good grief, faroff’s comments point up once again that the right wing looks for validation, not information. The information from the story comes from the Federal Prosecutor, not the “liberal media.” Yep, expect Libby to be hung out to dry now by the same folks who previously lauded his loyalty and integrity.

  5. C. Flowers says:

    “…leak classified information in 2003 to bolster the case for the US-led war against Iraq…”

    Surprise, surprise eh? Where the hell are the “weapons of mass destruction” that Iraq supposedly had, according to the Bush administraion? They didn’t exsist of course! The whole war on Iraq and Sadaam is a farce!!

  6. faroff says:

    So tell me dawn what good is information with out validation, I suppose that you believe everything that you hear with out any consideration of the source or doing some research for yourself. If you would read what the Federal Prosecutor said it is his UNDERSTANDING (not a proven fact) that Libby testified he was “authorized to disclose information about the National Intelligence Estimate to the press by his superiors.” And Libbys attorney say’s that its not true….so you tell me what is absolute truth, it’s one word against another. Try looking at things from all sides and then making an INFORMED & VALIDATED decision before you start to point fingers.

  7. Hey C Flowers – Calling the war in Iraq a farce is dangerously ignorant, it may be a travesty, but it is not a farce. in case you are not clear on the issue.

    Anyway, it is time to impeach Cheney.

  8. faroff says:

    and by the way flowers you may be unaware but it was not only the Bush administration that believed there were WMD’s in Iraq lots of other countries thought this also along with the Clinton administration. I just want to make sure that you are fully informed, which you have proved that you are not

  9. Mike Voice says:

    That makes the right’s job easy: Paint Libby as a liar, and move on.

    Or, as Opus would say: “Swiftboat ’em!!” 🙂

  10. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I’m with you Paul – its one of the best pics I’ve seen. i wish I had a poster.

  11. Pat says:


    So if the neo-cons say that Senator Reid took money from Abramoff and as evidence they point to an Associated Press story that is OK? Only, Reid never took any money from Abramoff. Yet I have heard several neo-cons spouting about how Democrats took money from Abramoff. (

    According to the referenced article, it quotes TWO other news organizations with uncovering the information. None of the sources appear to be U.S. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

    So maybe before you get your shorts in a knot, you do some checking. I do strongly suggest you DO NOT use FOX Spews or Bums Rush Limbaugh as references.

  12. Pat says:

    Hey, I wanna poster too !!!

  13. C. Flowers says:

    Michael L. Reed,
    I looked up the definition of “farce” on and one of the deifinitions is a “ridiculous or empty show”. I think this is a pretty damn good definition for the war in Iraq! It is an empty show!! BTW the definition was #4a if you wanted to look it up yourself!

  14. AB CD says:

    The NIE was declassified by July 21, 2003.

  15. AB CD says:

    What’s next are you going to blog about the ex-CIA guy saying the intelligence was ‘cherry-picked’. This isn’t what he’s describing, but more importantly it’s not what he said when he was under oath talking to Congress, just like Joe Wilson and his trip to Niger.


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