“Karl — should I let that mayor in LA know about this? He ain’t gonna deliver any votes.”

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said Thursday he was blindsided by President Bush’s announcement of new details on a purported 2002 hijacking plot aimed at a downtown skyscraper, and described communication with the White House as “nonexistent.”

“I’m amazed that the president would make this (announcement) on national TV and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels,” the mayor told The Associated Press. “I don’t expect a call from the president? but somebody.”

The mayor got all the details watching Bush’s speech on TV. Previous requests for meetings with Homeland Security to be updated on questions about L.A. — as recently as last July and August — were ignored.

The weirdest thing about this episode in lunacy was that Bush kept referring to the target as the “Liberty Tower” — a structure that does not exist. And, this morning, our favorite source — “unnamed officials in the intelligence community” — are saying, well, it was more of a concept than being at the plot stage. You know, like balancing the budget is a “concept” in Washington.

related link:
Is Bush Close to Bonkers?

  1. Jeff says:

    Do some research Devorak – the building in question in LA is often referred to as the Liberty Tower. Even CNN referred to it as such – “The intended target of the attack was a building then known as the Library Tower. It was renamed the U.S. Bank Tower in 2003 and, at 1,018 feet, is the tallest building west of the Mississippi River. It is among the 25 tallest buildings in the world.”

    Don’t post pseudo information attempting to drive your political agenda – if you don’t like the guy just call him an ass but don’t make things up in attempt to sensationalize your postings.

    (btw, thank TWiT for the exposure but removing your RSS feed from my Google desktop – this blog is trivial junk politics).

    [Editor’s note, the post was done by Ed, and “Dvorak” doesn’t have an “e” in it. Thanks for removing the RSS feed — an apparent waste of my bandwidth]

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Jeff – you’re a neocon moron.

    This is just so he can squirm out of the wirw tapping stuff. I mean his record visa vie the “truth” is so good (wmd’s etc.).

  3. Awake says:

    Library … Liberty… when you are as toungue tied and graceless as our President it is not surprising that he got the names wrong. And you have to admit that “Liberty” has a much better ring in ttimes of “war”, like “Patriot Act”, or “Homeland Security”… so we are defending “Liberty”, not just Libraries.

    For another great example of oratory by our Prezduh, here is his explanation of how the new Medicare program works, in response to a live audience question:
    Verbatim quote:
    ‘Because the — all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculated, for example, is on the table. Whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There’s a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those — changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be — or closer delivered to that has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It’s kind of muddled. Look, there’s a series of things that cause the — like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate — the benefits will rise based upon inflation, supposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those — if that growth is affected, it will help on the red.’

    I’m so glad that we got such a clear response fom our leader… now I really understand Medicare and can help my mom make a smart choice.

  4. Jacob Lee says:


    The current mayor of LA was not the mayor in LA back in 02. Why would he know about a 4 year old threat.


  5. ssanasihsub says:

    I live in L.A. and I never heard of the “Liberty” tower. He ment “LIBRARY”.

    I don’t see any politics in this blog but just stories, rumors or facts.

    Bush didn’t talk at all to the L.A. Mayor about any terror threat over the city for the past 3 years. That’s a FACT and I’m glad Dvorak pointed that out.

  6. Jim W. says:


    – He revealed a national secret about stopping terrorists before they could strike
    – He knew about it 5 years ago but failed to reveal it sooner.
    – And most importantly, he failed to tell the mayor of the target city that he was going to spill the beens.

    (tongue deeply implanted in cheak)

  7. Jim W. says:

    opps, misspelled cheek

  8. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Jim W.

    First part right, Impeach Bush!

    I bet you believe in the Easter bunny! You must because you obviously believe in Bush’s integrity.

  9. Incognito says:

    John I’m hardly a Bush fan, but living 30 miles from L.a I know enough about the mayor to know that if Bush did tell him, he would have set off a false alarm and ran around like a little chicken with its head cut off. He thinks he can run for governor in 2010 so he’s trying to act responsible because sadly he’s one of the better things democrats have going for them.

  10. Pat says:


    Ok, if Bush didn’t let the Mayor know about this, is there anyone in L.A. that was informed? Like, maybe the Police Chief? The Fire Chief? Any Hospitals?

    Was Bush leaving it all up to Homeland Insecurity and FEMA to handle the resulting catastrophe?

    I don’t think anyone has thought this through. FEMA is on record as saying that they are there to ASSIST local Governments with disasters. Were they just going to stand by on this and then come running in later to take all the flag waving glory?

  11. Jim W. says:

    The mayor wanted notice of the Presidents announcement/speach, not of the actual threat. He wasn’t even in office when the threat occurred.

    Villaraigosa acknowledged that state Homeland Security officials contacted his office with some information, but he said the mayor of America’s second-largest city deserved more direct contact and more complete information. “I would have expected a direct call from the White House,” he said. “I’m not expecting a call from the president himself but certainly somebody from the White House informing us of all the things they were going to be saying on national TV.”

    He’s just whining because he wants some publicity and more money from DHS.

  12. Beeblebrox says:

    Irony alert! “Do some research Devorak – the building in question in LA is often referred to as the Liberty Tower.

    It’s called the LIBRARY Tower.

    Don’t post pseudo information attempting to drive your political agenda

    Follow your own advice, dude.

  13. Beeblebrox says:

    Bush’s staff have freely admitted that at least part of Bush’s speech was total malarky. When Bush said that he was going to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by 75%, the energy secretary said the NEXT DAY that Bush “didn’t mean it literally.”

    Too bad Clinton wasn’t aware of that defense or he could have gotten out of the whole “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” thing a whole lot easier. Clinton: “I didn’t mean it literally.”

    So there’s no reason to think Bush was referring to an ACTUAL threat in an ACTUAL city. As his secretary said when Bush promised to move beyond a petroleum based economy, “It was purely an example.”

  14. Jim W. says:

    forgot links for my last comment so here they are:

    “Villaraigosa acknowledged that….”


    for my comment about “He’s just whining….”

  15. Incognito says:


    the mayor got a personal email from them the day before. And he was breifed about this a year ago by a former police security chief in L.A.

    He’s being a national media whore.

    “I want cuddle time.”

    Why don’t you focus on the actual problems in L.A instead of begging for more money for nothing. I think the president has better things to do than waste time talking to each mayor of a major city on a personnal level.

    He wasn’t even the mayor at the time.


    And Bush is a loser for even bringing this up. He didn’t connect it to the patriot act or questionable wiretaps, he’s just floating it out there now cause he needs to grasp at a straw. Same thing he did for “WMDS” when he needed a reason to justify a stupid war that has gained us nothing.

  16. Pat says:


    Thank you for the reply. I had also checked out Jim’s link and read some insightful stuff there too.

    Why don’t you focus on the actual problems in L.A instead of begging for more money for nothing. I think the president has better things to do than waste time talking to each mayor of a major city on a personnal level.

    I believe that the problems for all the major US cities are the same. It doesn’t matter if it is LA , New York, Chicago, or Dallas.

    1) Illegal Immigration

    2) Undocumented Workers

    3) Non-American Migrants.

    With all respect to our President, HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OPENING THE BORDERS !!!. What does all this illegal immigration cost American society?

  17. robertj says:

    Note to self: when personal poll numbers hit the toilet mention another alleged terrorist attack.

  18. Mike Drips says:

    More Bush BS to build up his ratings and push his insane agendas.

    Bush’s Press Secretary made the statement to the effect that not only did they notify LA authorities, but that they were “graciously thanked” for providing the information. Does “graciously thanked” imply that if the Bush adminstration didn’t like your city that they might not notify you of a terrorist attack?

    I have worked for the Department of Homeland Security at a classified level and I can assure you that it is a political pork barrel that is about effective regarding terrorism as FEMA was in handling New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.


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