
Real Cheerleader

CANOE — CNEWS – Weird News: Judge sorry for leading Super Bowl cheer

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — The judge who led her courtroom in a Super Bowl cheer before a manslaughter sentencing hearing has issued an apology to the victim’s family, prosecutors and others in the court.

Pierce County Superior Court Judge Beverly G. Grant had said she was just trying to ease tensions Friday when she asked everyone to say “Go Seahawks” before starting the hearing.

Sounds like a scene from Boston Legal.

  1. Is that not Religious discrimination 😉 Maybe some one should get the ACLU suing her 😉

    Sorry bad joke where I come from Pittsburgh, PA most people treat FootBall like one would treat a Religion. I am not much of a football fan I watch one game a year, and that is at a Super Bowl party, and if I was not invited to a Super Bowl party I probably would not watch, well except for this year, any one that did not watch is probably going to be hunted down and hurt ;-). I am more of a Hockey fan, too bad the Pen SUCK big time this year, but still I watch and cheer

  2. faroff says:

    I like the 2nd cheeleader better

  3. James says:

    I prefer cheer leader #2 as well.

  4. James Hill says:

    Boston Legal would have had a sex joke in there, somewhere.

    And we’d have been the better of it, too.

  5. Pat says:

    I cast my vote for #2

  6. MEH says:

    What the chance of you guys landing cheerleader #2?


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