Click on the image to play.

Here’s a simple time-waster in which you must successfully flick peanuts past three squirrels who are blocking the goal. Beat my score of 3300.

The “not believable” part of this game is not that squirrels are competing against you, but rather in real life they would catch and eat the peanuts. Also, while I have observed squirrels in the wild mating (no I am not making this up), I have yet to see one grabbing his naughty bits. Ahem….

  1. Andrew says:

    Wow, this game is bloody, sexual, and challanging at the same time.

  2. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    add: Squirrel Nut Zippers in the background = wide awake and ready for nihilists

  3. Pat says:

    Cute game.

    One of my favorite time wasters is the Blue Ball Game. Set your monitor to the highest resolution possible to see as much of the screen as possible. Try to follow just one ball through the process.

  4. Gregory says:

    Pat… you just broke my brain.

  5. RonD says:

    Neat! They do a lot of scratching but I notice they are smart enough not to sniff! 🙂

  6. Zuke says:

    How in God’s name did you get 3,300???? You da man!

  7. Marz says:

    Nice game! Just barely beat it 3330. Posted the pic on my blog:


  8. Hari says:

    What is the scoop with being written on the table? Are they trying to drive traffic to this site, and what kind of site is that????


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