A retired nurse saved her brother’s chicken, Boo Boo, by administering mouth-to-beak resuscitation last week after the fowl was found floating face down in the family’s pond.

Marian Morris said she hadn’t had any practice with CPR in years, but she was interested to see if she “still had it.”

“I breathed into its beak, and its dadgum eyes popped open,” Morris said. “I breathed into its beak again, and its eyes popped open again. I said, ‘I think this chicken’s alive now. Keep it warm.”‘

She said she did not know how to find a pulse on a chicken.

Anyone know how to check the pulse on a chicken?

  1. Mike says:

    Giving CPR to a chicken that was too stupid to stay out of the water would make Darwin roll over in his grave. Something tells me the world would be better off if that chicken was just ‘left be’.

  2. rus62 says:

    That’s a good way to get the “Bird Flu”.

    You can check a bird’s pulse, like a human’s, in the neck.

  3. Larry says:

    Can’t resist,

    To check the pulse simply cut off the head and check the squirt rate.

    Of course, this is a one time test and is not repeatable with the same bird.

    I really don’t understand what made this story news worthy in the first place . . .

  4. Frank Baird says:

    #1, There really are no such thing as “smart” chickens. If we let natural selection weed out all the dumb ones, we wouldn’t have any “other white meat” to speak of; pork would be it.

    On the other hand, there are more chickens than people in the world, so maybe they are more “successful” than we are. Based on that measure, perhaps Darwin would applaud them.

  5. C. Flowers says:

    I agree with “rus62″…it’s a real good way to get avian flu!! Crazy.

  6. Mike Cannali says:


  7. GreenAlien says:

    @Larry, there is a chicken in the Guiness Book of Records (can be seen on their website too) which had its head cut off and then lived for 1.5 years (Kid you not).

  8. Don says:

    Frank, there are a lot of dumb animals that would be extinct if they didn’t taste so darn good. Chickens are one and I’d suggest that cows are another. Too bad the Dodo didn’t go well with a nice cabernet.

  9. Andrew says:

    Why revive it….. it’s free dinner

  10. Pat says:


    Ok, and could I interest you in a bridge?

  11. Misty says:

    The story is a good break from all the murders, war and corruption we have to watch all the time. I know one of the chicken’s owners. They love their animals a lot (obviously). It’s a way for them to spread a Christian message of hope, faith and love. I think it’s cute. They brought the chicken to our school the other day and told the story. It’s quite amusing and something to take your mind off all the bad things in your life and in the world.

  12. joseph says:

    misty–i agree with you. i was on my way to work this week when i saw the headline that boo boo had died, and as an exercise i had my information literacy classes research boo boo and find out all they could. i feel bad about boo boo dying — here owners obviously cared for her very much, and i’m glad they have boo boo’s chick.


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