| 02/09/2006 | South Korea’s antitrust officials continue Intel probe — This story needs to be fleshed out. Currently it’s unclear what ahppened. The US media stalled on reporting it even though the press announcements from AMD bragging about the action went out at 9 AM. Intel was finally contacted to comment and their spokesperson calimed it was common and business-as-usual. The Korean media is where we will have to llook to see how serious (or not) this action was.

The statement quoted Thomas M. McCoy, AMD executive vice president: “The dawn raids in Korea make it abundantly clear that competition authorities worldwide are intensifying their investigative efforts into Intel’s anti-competitive business practices because they have good reason to believe evidence of illegal monopoly abuse is there to be found.”

Mulloy [Intel] said the visit was conducted during normal business hours and that investigators “did not come in with guns drawn.”

This is getting interesting whatever the case.

  1. Andrew says:

    It is interesting but you spelled look with 2 Ls and you mispelled the word happened ;p

  2. rus62 says:

    Isn’t there a sheik named calimed?

    John, Im suprised at yor miselling of words.

  3. C. Flowers says:

    Very interesting indeed…sounds fishy!

  4. Pat says:

    and that investigators “did not come in with guns drawn.’’

    Instead, they came in with Laptops open and PDAs drawn.


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