A story about date rape and assault? Probably interpreted as thus in politically correct Brockton

TheBostonChannel.com – Health – Outrage Continues Over First-Grader’s Suspension — This is how far things have deteriorated in the USA. Kids cannot be kids.

BROCKTON, Mass. — The outrage over the suspension of a 6-year-old Brockton student who was kicked out of class for sexual harassment continued Wednesday.

NewsCenter 5’s Sean Kelly reported that officials at the Downey Elementary School called the boy’s mother, Berthena Dorinvil, on Jan. 30, and asked her to pick up her child from the school. Dorinvil said that officials told her that her son was being suspended for sexually harassing a 6-year-old female classmate.

Note how the hopeless media cannot call a 6-year old girl a “girl” anymore but refers to her as a 6-year-old female. Is that weird to anyone but me?

  1. Firas says:

    Wow that’s pathetic. Six year olds barely know the difference between boys and girls let alone what harrasment even is. How could anyone in there right mind call a parent of a first grader and tell them that their son harrassed a “female” classmate? What a load of crap.

  2. Miguel Correia says:

    Kids touch themselves. They grab themselves. They hug. They kiss. They pinch. They even fight. Only really sick people may see a kid of that age pinching another as sexual harassment. Had the kid pinched a boy, would it have been “homosexual harassment”?

    What’s next, the burkas?

  3. Ben says:

    We are becoming crippled by PCness and carrying things way to far. Soon a child burning ants with a magnifying glass will be brought up before the MSPCA on charges. A child in a snow ball fight will be brought up on charges of assult. etc etc……. All I can say is….. LIGHTEN UP AMERICA. You have gotten way way too uptight…. Stop sueing everyone to make a buck when they make an honest mistake and are sorry. Casue guess what you could be the next one to make a mistake. Stop trying to tell everyone else how to live thier lives and worry about your own. Why not let the parents involved in this incident deal with it. I think they may be far more rational then the people in charge here.

  4. moss says:

    I guess some of the middle-class twits in surrounding suburbs must finally have moved into Brockton. It used to be a workingclass city, best-known for an awesome high school football team — and being the home town of Rocky Marciano.

    Oh well. Why should the administration of education there be any different from the rest of the nation?

  5. Pat says:

    My first reaction is to agree full heartedly with the first four comments. Yup, I think this is pretty extreme.

    A couple of weeks ago when I was picking my daughter up from her morning kindergarten class, I saw one angry parent. It appears that the child had taken the bus to school that morning (but there is no bus service for morning only class). The boy was sporting a large scab above his right eye brow, towards the temple. The father was asking the teacher what happened. The teacher replied that she had no idea.

    Now, something is wrong with this picture. The teacher SHOULD have asked the boy what happened. Had he been abused at home, did an older kid assault him, is there some unsafe condition the school is unaware of ? When the father asked though, there should have been more then an “I don’t know”. The only alternative was that the father was instructed to go around the school to the office. The inside door to the office was about 100 ft from the door the students were let out of, instead he had to drive all the way around the block to get to the opposite side of the school where there is minimal parking. (to discourage parent from coming to the office?) I do not know the outcome of the incident, not knowing either the father or the boy and he not being in my daughter’s class.

    The school is a caretaker for part of the child’s day and does have a responsibility for the safety of the child. Having said that, I think the incident in Brockton is the exact opposite. It is definitely an over reaction. A child of that age is usually full of energy and still becoming aware that hurting other people being wrong.

    It is incidents like these two that trial lawyers love. They both come down to the school authorities not doing their jobs and the children being hurt.

    The real kicker is the mother asked the school district to transfer her child to another school. The officials have so far declined to do so. Yup, can you say LAW SUIT with a Massachusetts accent.

  6. faustus says:

    i dont think it was an over reaction… this crap goes on and on over and over again in a girls life and it starts at a young age because young boys arent made aware of what they are doing is WRONG. just think had ted kennedy been reeled in as a young boy look at all the girls that would have been spared…

  7. Improbus says:

    Thats funny Greg. I have never associated our educational system with critical thinking. If you have ever seen a “man on the street” gag you know what I mean. Most Americans are just plain stupid and ignorant.

  8. Memphis says:

    To GregAllen & Faustus, ::Faust said i dont think it was an over reaction…

    We are talking about young children here, Not the Kennedy’s:
    I am a father and have seen some of these people that have a sexual connotation to everything. Does that include you two?

    In my experience, children of this age are doing these types of acts to either annoy or play with the other child. Hence that is what the punishment should reflect. No hidden agendas, no sex, no conspiracies, no Bob Kennedy… just plain good old fashion child play… Remember…?

  9. LOL, combine this with the 9th circut court ruling about the questionar that a school got sued over. The question where they ask children, in 1st gread, about how often they think about sex. So it is obvious that the left belive that child this young think about sex, IF that is so, then I understand why they would suspend the child. But ofcource it is stupid to think that children that young even think about, let alown know, what sex is.

  10. 2xbob says:

    I didn’t truly learn about sex till I was about 9 (yeah, thats 4th grade). Kids do stuff like that. Telling the kid “thats not nice” or an old fashion “go think about what you did” would sufice. At 6 you would be pressed to find someone thinking about girls as anything more than people with “cooties.”

    Say, if the boy said she had cooties would that be sexual discrimination and harasment? Heh, to think, if I have kids I’m going to be at the end of this BS machine.

  11. Pat says:


    In Post #10, where the heck are you going with this? What the heck did the “left” have to do with the Court’s decision? I assume you are discussing Fields v Palmsdale School.

    That case was about the parents having the right to sue when they did not meet the standard for a law suit. The parents did not state what, if any, redress the court could apply. The second part of the decision was that once the parents have decided upon a school, they do not get to pick the curriculum. This stands to reason that if there are 25 students, the teacher doesn’t have to teach 25 different subjects to keep the parents happy.

    As far as a survey? The parents were given a notice before hand and were offered the opportunity to opt out if they chose. These parent chose not to opt out of the survey. BTW, the survey was being done by a Psychiatry student studying the origins of sexual harassment.

  12. rus62 says:

    I think all of us agree the punishment is extreme.

    I don’t the details of the incident but boys want to know why girls are different. The “sugar and spice” thing doesn’t work. I don’t think it ever did.

    What ever happened to the principal? Do they still have those in school? I am sorry, I forgot about the “L” word, lawsuit.

    What’s next, death row for 2nd graders?

  13. Richard Young says:

    As a public school educator for 45 years it is obvious to me that the liberal side of the legal system has let common sense go out the window. Of course the situation between six year olds is just two kids interacting as six year olds have done and will continue to do. I am appalled however that SCHOOL AUTHORITIES would over react to the degree that they did.

    Bottom line of course is the potential law suits and the greed for money from said law suits on both sides. The girls mother sees an opportunity for money via a law suit and now the boy’s mother rightfully should sue the school district for mega dollars. The courts have put schools in a lose/lose situation. Let’s hear it for the liberal courts and media and their moronic interpretation of our Constitution.

  14. Marsman says:

    Oh my god!

    Let me tell you from a European perspective – it’s no wonder american society is not very positively seen over here – if not to say often “laughed upon”. Sorry, but I am actually grinning about all this stupidity right now.
    Of course such cases like with the 4 year old hugging his teachers aide “improperly” probably don’t happen very often, but the fact that this is not just put away as “ridiculous” is a sign of deeply rooted moral and social problems.

    Here this would most likely just make people shake their heads and laugh over the teachers and school authorities, who seemingly have not grown to sexually mature adults according to their behaviour.

    And really – they guy who said that about civil rights (“Civil rights has no age limit on it, whether it’s a 5-year-old or a 15-year-old or a 20-year-old.”) – he should really be sent off to some remote island – Incredible. To me he is one of thoses dangerous elements of american society. On of those who were born with a bible in their one hand and a lawbook in the other.

    Cheers, Marsman


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