A couple planning to set off their own Super Bowl pyrotechnics accidentally blew up their own car while transporting a balloon filled with an explosive gas. Norman Frey, 46, and his companion suffered busted eardrums in the explosion Sunday as they drove to a party for Super Bowl XL, according to the Arapahoe County sheriff.

The balloon had been filled with acetylene, a flammable gas used in welding, and it had rolled across the back seat, possibly causing static electricity that ignited the gas. The explosion broke windows, bent doors outwards and pushed up the roof about a foot.

Several people reported the explosion, but when a deputy arrived, Frey and the woman had abandoned the vehicle.

The license plate led them to Frey, who faces a felony charge of possession, use, or removal of explosives or incendiary devices.

Should be fun explaining it to his insurance agent.

  1. drsaxman says:

    I’m from Denver, and this story is just awesome. The best part is after the incident, they abandoned the car and hitched a ride with another commuter. Not to mention that this happened on a fairly busy thorough fare. I think 9news.com has additional photos. Note to self, helium, not acetylene.

  2. Don says:

    Come on, Steve. You’re an area boy. Things aren’t that bad. Didn’t you read the Free Press the week before the Super Bowl?

  3. Pat says:


    I’m glad you were able to say “…as a younger man…” It means you lived to tell the tale. Although it reminds me of some of the stupid things I did, don’t expect me to confess to any. I’m just glad to say I too survived.

    Who knew that if you…

  4. Pat says:


    I haven’t been through Detroit in over five years. Every time the roads were either torn up for construction or should have been torn up for repairs. The road sides were littered with all types of debris, including tires on the rim, mattresses, car fenders, and other crap big enough to cause a lot of damage if you hit it. They completely enclose the overpasses; I don’t know if it was to keep people from jumping or throwing shit onto the expressways. The whole scenario just scared the poop out of my wife. Even the Ambassador Bridge is scary. Detroit Customs is rude and Windsor is always very busy.

    Now whenever we drive through to Canada, we take the northern route to Port Huron. It is much cleaner, faster, and less traffic. The only down part on the trip would be going through Flint, but that is a whole other story.


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