There’s much more than meets the eye to how we perceive light, researchers have learned in recent years. The latest revelation: blue light helps fend off drowsiness in the middle of the night.

“Light exposure to this system, particularly blue light, directly reduces sleepiness,” said Steven Lockley of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Subjects exposed to blue light were able to sustain a high level of alertness during the night when people usually feel most sleepy, and these results suggest that light may be a powerful countermeasure for the negative effects of fatigue for people who work at night.”

“These findings add to the body of evidence that illustrates that there is a novel photoreceptor system that exists in the human eye in addition to that used for sight,” Lockley said.

More work needs to be done, however. Blue light in the wrong doses can be dangerous to the eye.

No K-Mart jokes, puhleeze.

  1. C. Flowers says:

    “More work needs to be done, however. Blue light in the wrong doses can be dangerous to the eye.”

    That sounds like those commercials for drugs where they name out a long list of side-effects, after they tell you how “good” it is for you!!

  2. name says:

    In toronto, we have Blue Lights in our overnight TTC (toronto transit corp) buses. This was done years ago… at least ten. And it was done specifically because it helps the drivers stay alert on some of the more boring routes in the city… Naturally, the Vomit Comet has no need of the Blue LIght, since, as the name claims, there is enough to keep you active during the ride.

    Vomit Comet – Yonge Bus line…

  3. Robert Allen says:

    So you’re telling me KMart is back in business?

  4. Eideard says:

    Robert? KMart was bought by Sears. Closed a lot of stores; but, they’re still in business.

  5. Mike says:

    my VW has all blue and red lights in the interior… very cool looking.

    Can’t say I’ve noticed it making me less drowsy at night though.

  6. This is so far from true. I drink me a few Blue Lights at night, then go lie down.

    “Blue light in the wrong doses can be dangerous to the eye.”
    I agree there, C Flowers. Last week I had me way too much of Blue Light and my eyes thought they saw a supermodel. I woke up the next day besides a Yeti.

  7. Phronk says:

    I thought this was about beer at first too.

    But seriously, maybe this helps to explain how us geeks can stay up until the wee hours of the night on our computers without getting tired. The light from a computer monitor is kinda blueish most of the time. Although sometimes it’s kinda a pinkish flesh colour, depending on what sorts of web sites you frequent.

  8. BOB G says:

    Actually Kmart bought sears.

  9. Pat says:

    For those who don’t get the joke, Blue Light is a very popular beer in Canada. Blue regular was my own personal favorite. I just can’t find the good suds in the Indiana wilderness. Lots of Mexican excuses though.

    Sorry Ed about going off topic, but I thought it relevant to explain this point.


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