Insulting Movies Shown at Sundance — I’m not actually sure of the point of this film which more or less insults both China and the USA. It gets old fast. I’d give it three thumbs down.

found by Howard Harawitz.

  1. moss says:

    The dudes who produced the film are Americans. Not a surprise. Turned their monkey tails to the advertising world they came from. Also understandable. They use the same drum track at their website.

    The deliberate crude translations are one of the best parts of the whole film [what do you say instead of Flash production?].

    They’ll probably be prizewinners. Certainly creating better stuff than anything shown with the Super Bowl, yesterday. Nothing but dull ads.

  2. Jim says:

    This is what I’ve been saying for 10 years. China isn’t a threat to us in the traditional “war” sense. They have been poised and now we are handing them the economic world on a platter. We’re chasing our tails in the big sandbox and they’re doing what we did after WW 2.

  3. david says:

    China will surpass the U.S. ECONOMICALLY. And that is the problem. America ranks superiority by economic power. Thus, China will be superior to America. AND, we this to happen because it will change our game plan. If we CANNOT compete with China economically, then we must INVENT a different playing field. We have to CHANGE THE GAME because the economic game WE WILL LOSE.

    The new game must be something that only America can win, or be well ahead of every other nation. That game is necessarily THE GAME OF TRUTH. A nation where government is motivated by LOVE to its people rather than APPEASMENT to the economically advantaged (corporations, the rich, the influential). Every nation has adopted the “family” model to become what they are today. When you were born, you were born into a family. The head of the family took care of you only because you were of kin. Nations use the family model by just making the family bigger. It says that you are born in America (as example), therefore the head of America will grant you kinship. But this where the liars have subjected you into the family of America but the dads are deadbeats. It is a family where your father looks out for only his kids that obey him. HE DISOWNS THE OTHERS. A real father is one who loves EVERYONE in the family even the blacksheep. The family of America today shows favoritism to the Whites. The most important factor– and you know this if you are a father– is EDUCATION.

    AMERICA, THE FATHER YOU HONOR (just by “being a proud American”), WILL RATHER KILL other nation’s children than provide its own children with the best possible education money can buy. AND AMERICA MUST ADOBT a new RELIGION because want religion. That religion must be the highest religion that is available today.

    The highest religion (and it actually isn’t one) is BUDDHISM/TOAISM. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are obsolete religions. The most intelligent people in the world are buddhists. ALBERT EINSTEIN (the greatest genius that ever lived) said this:

    “Only Buddhism is compatible with science. It covers the smallest particles to the largest creations of the cosmos. It is the only religion capable of scientific truth.”

  4. Awake says:

    Dumb unwatchable college class project movie. Watched about a third of it and got utterly bored. I can’t imagine having to sit through this in a theater.

  5. site admin says:

    I was baffled by the fact that it got past the selection committee.

  6. Thrall says:


    That was so stupid. They can’t even translate english right.

    Here’s a thought , if you hate us , stop using our language. They have to enter their film in an AMERICAN film contest because their goverment won’t let them do anything.


  7. I thought it was a very funny movie about the US-Chinese economic relationship.

    Given the grim state of their union I suppose that “political humor” has become an oxymoron for most Americans. I hope nobody publishes a cartoon that offends anybody down there.

  8. davik says:

    Those poor chinese, working 50 hours a week so they can make a fraction of what an american would do _if_ they wanted that awfull job.

  9. Hey, its a free for all now, as evidenced by this. Apparently any crappy flash animation can get into Sundance.

    This movie is an insult to both the people of China and America. This John Daniel Ligon guy apparently thinks that everyone in America are Republicans, hippies, or rednecks, and that everyone in China cannot speak more than 5 word sentences. Whats up his alley?


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