Selma, Alabama, 1965

With the discussions we’ve had, lately, on religious fanatics in other parts of the world — and Mrs. King’s funeral just a few days away — I thought I’d link to a brief reflection on the conjunction of those themes at Jasmyne Cannick’s blog.

Adding insult to injury, Westboro Baptist Church, led by anti-gay extremist Fred Phelps, is planning a protest at Coretta Scott King’s funeral at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Tuesday, February 7 at 12 noon.

WBC said “for more than 10 years that by endorsing the homosexual agenda she was brining down the wrath of God upon herself, her family and the black civil rights movement. She is an ingrate-unthankful and unholy.”

Nutcases like this exist on the fringe of our society. In some dark, fetid places, they’re given credence and support. Hopefully, they’ll never achieve anything comparable to their peers elsewhere on this planet.

Thanks, Pat.

  1. Joe says:

    I have no words to describe the disgust I feel for people like Phelps… we just don’t need that type of people in this world.

    Thank God for people like Dr. and Mrs. King!

  2. doug says:

    disgust is too genteel a term for how I feel about Phelps and his ilk, who not only have dedicated themselves to hate, but have broken all bounds of decency in expressing their venom – intruding upon funerals of American soldiers and now Mrs. King with their spew.

  3. Jim W. says:

    From a Comment on Jasmyne Cannick’s blog:
    “Since he adamantly rejects the spirit and substance of Jesus of Nazareth, he should just be ignored”

    and rebuked by real Christains.

    This guy should considered just as much a crazy as this guy.

  4. Awake says:

    Phelps pronouncements recently, all in writting:
    ” Thank god for 2 more dead miners in West Virginia”, two weeks after the 12 dead in the same state.
    “…Your legislatures are stud farms for jackasses and whorehouses for queers. You legislators are fags and/or fag enablers.” on the trend to restrict demonstrations where these people celebrate during actual funerals the death of American soldiers.
    “Pray for more dead bodies floating on the fag-semen-rancid waters of New Orleans”.
    “Pray for more American bodies blown to smithereens by cheap home-made Iraqi IEDs”
    Written about the funeral of a heterosexual (NOT gay) soldier named Lance Chase: “The body of the dead soldier should be buried in a ditch quickly and quietly without ceremony… for perverting the ways of the Lord. Chase should be buried with the burial of an ass and cast forth out of the gates of the city for fighting for an evil nation…”

    Hopefully his flock of terrorists is clearly listed on the no-fly list.

  5. Dirk says:

    Amazing to think that after all this time there are still all these people out there who are so narrow minded.

  6. Pat says:

    An Indiana legislator has introduced a bill forbidding protesters from coming within a certain distance of a funeral. I think that this would be one of those exceptions to “Freedom of Speech” that would be constitutional. This came about after Phelps protested at the funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq.

    I think maybe someone should protest in front of his church, only who wants to get that close to such a slime ball.

  7. rick says:

    Why oh why can’t someone remove this oxygen waster from our planet?

  8. Sounds The Alarm says:

    This is the most disgusting group that I have ever encountered in my life. Sadly, as disgusting as they are, it’s important that they have their say – if only to show our children what true evil is

  9. Dakota Bill says:

    “so why is this particular psychotic given a public platform?”

    Because this sort of smelly fungus does not survive in the light.

    …and, its often instructive to be reminded just how unpleasant (and dangerous) our species can be.

  10. Roc Rizzo says:

    This isn’t the only funeral that this creep, and his group, mostly family, have protested.

    He continually protests funerals of our fallen military brothers and sisters, because they are fighting a war for “Gay, Godless America.”

    Mr. Phleps’ two websites, and are two examples of the religious fundimentalists that are infesting this nation with their unchristian behavior, yet touting Christ as their savior, and asking for a more “Christian” america. These morons should practice what Christ REALLY preached, and not some drivel based on hate.

  11. david says:

    Phelps would be right about God hating homosexuals if he was saying this 10,000 years ago where survival meant procreation. Imagine if Adam was gay. We wouldn’t be here today blogging. There HAD to be hatred against gays back in the old times because gay and lesbian people kill progression. Today, with the population steady and growing exponentially homosexuals are actually conducive to CONTROLLING world population. We actually need more gay and lesbians and therefore their prominence in the media and minds of people are fortuitous in our SURVIVAL TODAY. We MUST ACCEPT, and not lambaste, homosexuals today because they are key to the survival of the human race. Phelps is right to hate homosexuals but he is at the wrong time in history. Like most people, he lives in the mind of the past. You have to let go and modernize and live with today’s conditions. You should actually PROMOTE homosexuality to your kids. Homosexual kids will grow up more healthy because they will find it easier to find sex (for men) and find love and affection (women) thus creating a more harmonious adolescence than the violent one we see today.

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    david – one word.


  13. david says:

    Sounds The Alarm – one number.


  14. jackie moore Age: 16 says:

    i haft to say for a person like him makes me sick, the last thing we need is hatred being spread by this idiot. he uses the bible as his crutch cause he is not man enough to have his own point of views, he has to have a book speak for him and if we are going to get religious. god loves everyone and everything. if this so called “pastor” is speading the hate instead of gods word, he will be punished, one word (karma) as we all know the saying “what goes around comes around” and he will get his one day. this is something that childern should not be exposed to. they have no idea whats right and whats wrong. having this man speaking for kids and teenagers, those kids will never have an opinion of there own. our world is bad enough and we dont need this man to make it worse. if we are suppose to be a “united” country then why aren’t we stopping this from happening, i’m not saying protesting is bad and to get rid of it but theres a line of respect. protesting at a soldiers funeral for a honor for keeping us safe is wrong, protesting at coretta scott kings funeral for a woman who fought by her husband side for equal rights and carried on his dream after he was gone is WRONG! and i may not be going to chruch but i know the values of right and wrong. if our country is not suppost to be discriminating against anyone. why should we let this man discriminate against everyone and to be aloud to disrespect the ones who made this country we all grown to know and love? the ignorance has to stop, people not having there own opinions has to stop, and people who spread hate and feed off of controvresy has to stop. if we are going to bring this country together everyone is going to haft to live with each other and chill out. for those who dont like it… leave cause nothing here is going to make you stay. i’m so sick of the the bullshit that goes on here, everyone is sick of what goes on in country. i can’t stand the violence, i can’t stand the gossip, attacking the ones who speak their mind and turning it into something racist cause somehow people think we need something else to complain about. taxes, gas being too high, the war, gay marriages, our life problems and to top it all off this “pastor”. this draws the end of the line, and personally i think god is pissed off at us period its not indiviual people like phelps its all of us, cause we abuse our power, we are too wrapped up in ourselves and forget about the ones who matter ( the people in need, the ones who are being discriminated against) homosexuals are citizens of this country, they are people and they dissever the same marriage rights as a heterosexual. bottom line is……this shit has to stop cause we can complain all we want and still nothing will be done about it. its time for us to take this into our own hands and put it to an end.

  15. Bree says:

    This whole church disgusts me. The fact that they claim to be “gods servants” makes me sick. And then Phelps wonders why his church is a target for hate crimes?? SARCASM!!! YUCK

  16. IM a gay-christian and ULC ordained minister.IM totally offended and shocked by this “false Prophet”. God does not hate homosexuals.He says that GOD LOVES ALL IS A LIE. Which means he believes JOHN 3:16 is a lie.

    We all sin,EVEN PHELPS.The only one who walked this earth who was SINLESS is JESUS CHRIST.Who was God sent in Human form to die for those who accept him as LORD and as the only way to heaven.

    We dont get to heaven by WORKS or by “NOT SINNING”.We all sin JESUS says ” he who says is with out sin is a lier.”

    If you believe with all your heart that JESUS came to be the only way to heaven .and he died on the cross and arose 3 days later.and confess he is THE ONLY WAY.and you accept it in prayer.Their will be nothing keeping you from heaven.But this dont mean go out and sin all you want.LOL

    Lastly HOW can GOD HATE GAYS AND people who accept gays..OR hate any one.The NEW TESTAMATE DOES NOT SAY GOD HATES YOU ANY WHERE….

    HE COULD HAVE TOld them GOD hates them who killed him..

    LOL sorry if this dont make sence….I havent been ministering to people for a long time..IM new to ministering..Im not good at writing things down that I wanna preach..I have to say them alloud.

    BUT if any one has any questions email me at


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