Mirror – 2 February 2006:

A FLASHER has been banned from talking to ALL women after he admitted exposing himself to a young student.

Thomas Brown, 43, was given the Antisocial Behaviour Order – thought to be the first one of its kind.

It states he is not allowed to “approach or engage in conversation any female except his immediate family in the United Kingdom”.

However, it does allow Brown to speak to female bank cashiers, lawyers, shop assistants, doctors, dentists and nurses – but only in a professional capacity.

If he tries to chat up any woman within the next five years, without the supervision of another adult over the age of 21, he could be jailed.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Another moronic law coming out of Europe. How ridiculous. Think about this and how England has a camera just about everywhere the next time you complain on how bad things are in the US

  2. akern233 says:

    I believe that England has turned its government into an idiocracy. All heil the chief idiot.

  3. Gregory says:

    To be fair about the cameras – its not that we have them everywhere, there’s not really a problem with that.

    It’s how they are used. So far we really don’t have reason to complain about how they are use. If it happened in America there would be lots and lots of reasons to worry – because the government there has shown contempt for privacy of its citizens.

    In the UK we piss and moan about our government, and we never really trust what they say (Labour or Tory) but we trust them reasonably enough not to abuse the system like that.

    In the US it would be expected that the system would be abused. That’s a sad, sad, difference :/

  4. Kent Goldings says:

    That sentence sounds a lot like being married.

  5. 2xbob says:

    Kent, your almost right. Alow me to correct it.

    “That sentence sounds a lot like being married” with no sex!

  6. david says:

    I was at a Greenwich Village Halloween parade many years ago when they were still raunchy when a gay dude exposed his muscular physique and his private part to me which was inclosed in a clear-plastic curled penis, with lights to boot! Ahh, those were the good old days…


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