What could be addicting about the Internet, anyway?

icWales – ‘The internet … it’s like a drug!’ warning — So we hear this same lament every so often. The fact is that all forms of communication are like a drug because humans like to communicate. That’s all there is to it. This assertion of the Internet as drug is bogus. I remember when it was ‘the computer” was a drug. Now this.

DITCHING the internet would be like kicking a drug addiction because we have become so hooked on computers, a psychologist claims today.

Our reliance on the internet is so strong that suddenly being deprived of access could lead to “emotional trauma and panic” for as long as a month, according to business psychologist Felix Economakis.

  1. Peter Hollett says:

    Where do you find these appropriate pictures of women?

  2. gquaglia says:

    I agree, I know I’m addicted to the net. My cable was out once for about a day. I didn’t know what to do. I kept walking over to my laptop only realizing my conection was down.

  3. Gregory says:

    Peter – Finding pictures of attractive women on the internet isn’t hard.

    It’s like walking down the street looking for cars.

  4. Eideard says:

    John — I think we should have a readers contest for the best warning label about using the Internet.

  5. Pat says:

    This reminds me of an incident a few years ago. My pregnant wife NEEDED a Burger King Hamburger. “nuff said.

    As it was late and we were headed home, we went through the drive-through. The line was several cars long and moving very slow. We ordered through the microphone thingy. When we got to the window we found out that their computerized ordering system had died so they would take an order verbally, prepare it then serve it before going on to the next customer. When I asked why they just didn’t write the orders down on paper the shift manager snapped at me. The whole restaurant was in turmoil and totally confused. They were all under 25 too and quite possibly couldn’t write.

    Today, we are so used to ALL the various forms of communication and they have become an integral way of life. Any time we lose an integral part of our lives, be it a death, a divorce, a job, a serious illness or injury, or even our car to the mechanic for a few days, we do suffer emotional trauma. Usually we get over it quickly though and adapt to new things in our life.

    I don’t think this should be compared to drug addiction, which is mental, not emotional.

  6. Kevin says:

    I’m greatly offended by this photograph of 49 women for many reasons. It’s degrading to women, its sets unrealistic expectations for ugly young chicks, and, uh, it encourages the wasteful use of too much heat indoors.

    Please identify what website this comes from so that I can go there and express my displeasure for a couple of hours.


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