Remember the good, old days when people could actually believe what their government said? Here in the states, is there anyone who believes anything our government says anymore? On anything? Has the end justifies the means taken over as the normal way to conduct government business?

ID fraud figures ‘inflated to play on public fears’

The [British] Government was accused yesterday of playing on people’s fears by producing hugely inflated figures on the cost of identity fraud.

In a report published yesterday, the Home Office said that the annual cost of ID fraud had reached £1.7 billion. However, this figure was undermined by Apacs, the group that represents payment organisations such as banks and credit firms, which said that the cost had been grossly overestimated and that its own figures had been misrepresented.

Asked why the Home Office used the larger sum, she said: “I just think they think it is a good story to scare people with.”

  1. Phil Bridges says:

    These folks would do well to check their past releases before making such sweeping statements! See

    Errr. hello? – Identity fraud costing “more than £1.3 billion’ a’int that far off the figure the UK Govt. mentions…

    We have a saying in England ‘engage brain before opening gob… zzzzz.’

  2. SignOfZeta says:

    Sure there was a time when people believed their governments, but they shouldn’t have.

    Things are just as screwed up as they have always been. The only difference is that we now are more aware of it.

  3. Hoosier Hoser says:

    From Phil Bridges link It appears that the British Government figures are correct.

    E-learning tool helps organisations train their staff – Launched by APACS, BBA, CIFAS and backed by the Home Office .

    Crimes facilitated by identity fraud cost the UK more than £1.3 billion each year.

    It is quite possible that 1.3 billion is a low figure. It appears these are 2002 numbers. I don’t believe the Banks and Credit Card companies are ready to admit the severity of the problem. It might scare customers away

  4. Phil Bridges says:

    As echoed above in this instance choosing between the British Govt and the Banks my money’s on the Government on this one for sure! (So if you don’t trust them why did you vote for them…Do’Ohhhh”

  5. Luís Camacho says:

    “So if you don’t trust them why did you vote for them…Do’Ohhhh”

    That remembers me a anachist motto:
    “You’ve gone voting? Don’t be sorry then.” X-D All politics should be burned in the streets


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