4.5 Pound Burger Challenge — Geez, anything for a good cause. This was highlighted on a weird website that speciaiizes in chit-chat and photos of ridiculous meals.

One of our readers sent this in today, 4.5 pounds of ground Alberta Beef, and a $500 prize if you can finish it in an hour! But if you don’t finish it in time, you pay $200, with the proceeds going to local charities, a great idea!

Also on the site are various pictures of ridiculously large burgers and sandwiches. An example is this ludicrous 15 pound burger below:

There is even a movie about it here.

Note to America bashers. These two burgers were from Canada and Australia respectively.

  1. Dave Drews says:

    I’m Oregon on business and went to a restaurant on the way from the airport that serves one pound burgers. This is the meat. Add all the fixin’s they pour on these things and it’s probably up to two pounds. I only got a 1/3 lb’er and that was huge. They have a section for pizza burgers where you order them with pizza toppings. The funny part is the one pound version of the one with everything on it is described as being for hearty appetites!

  2. ~ says:

    Albertan’s love their beef. It’s practically their religion there. Not necessarily so popular in the rest of Canada.

  3. Chris says:

    Yup we like our meat Down Under. It is a proportional thing you see.

  4. Pat says:


  5. david says:

    One of my favorite myths is the one about finding the “best” burger. The best burger I ever had is the one I have eaten yet.

  6. James Hill says:

    Why not drive to Steak N’ Shake and have one decent burger?


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