Vintage-car enthusiasts here have hired 40 karate experts to keep parrots away from their valuable wheels during an upcoming rally.

New Zealand’s native kea mountain parrots have a reputation for using their strong beaks to rip out rubber and just about anything else that isn’t welded to a car. Which is bad news for the owners of 140 vintage cars heading for a rally at the South Island alpine village of Mount Cook

Conservation ranger Ray Bellringer said the karate experts would be no match for the wily birds.

Denis Calleson, manager of the Hermitage Hotel there, said the “feathered terrorists” would be especially attracted by the polished chrome and open tops of the cars, some of them a century old.

Conservation ranger Ray Bellringer said the karate experts would be no match for the wily birds. “They’ll fly around and laugh,” he said. He believed squirting the parrots with water pistols would be a better bet.

  1. Don says:

    Karate experts? Yeah, that’ll work. As long as they’re surrounded by a herd of cats.

  2. Improbus says:

    What they need are guys with shotguns. Those parrots are good eat’n!

  3. Thomas says:

    If the karate experts are armed with .22s their plan will work great. Otherwise, they’ll end up with lots of birds and lots of tired karate experts.

  4. Pat says:


    True, but it takes a few of ’em to make a good snack. The feathers can be pretty though.

  5. Matt says:

    Don’t Kill those Keas. They rock.

    They are so cheeky and smart. But they do love shiny things and rubber that they can pull off!


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